Umm other stuff is old news i past it so heres a new one

Feb 08, 2006 22:12

So i figured i would update this while i am supposed to be doing homework and waiting to do something with Ann. So where to start... lately i haven't been doing much just work home and school not much friend time but i have still got some time for yall, like always. Well i guess i will start with saying that the stuff in my previous entries are behind me now and i thought i would share. I know i took me awhile to get past it but i felt it was a BIG deal for me and i know my friends were real supportive and i would like to say THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART you guys know who you are. So i think that its a big step for me to get over that bad event in my life. So i am not depressed or emo or anything but i think you guys see that now. So enough on that, well i guess i could move on to saying my work got robed at gun point but i wasn't there,but i was supposed to work the night it happened but on of the other stock boys that works there was scheduled to work 3-7 but couldn't make it in on time because he had to stay after school for football so he asked me if he could work my shift,7-10, that night and i work his so i said sure whatever more hours for me. So if he would of never called me to switch i would have been there and i think i would have wet myself. On a happier note me and some friends are going up north on mid-winter break to get away from all the shit around here so that is sweet. But the bad thing is that all the planning and talking bout it way early is stressing us out. So its making us be mean to eachother. Which I would like to say SORRY if i have came off as being a dick i did not mean it. So SORRY Umm but i would like to say that i think it was i misunderstanding and i was just getting irritated because of the stress and it bothers me when i have to ask something 17 times before i get a answer or when nothing i say is getting listened to or getting cut off.

... got to go eat and then ann is on her way so i will finish this later
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