Oct 14, 2005 21:10
Well its Friday already, meaning the 1st week of Term 4 is over, meaning only 3 weeks more school(!!!) meaning only 3 weeks until Senior Prizegiving, Graduation Dinner...and exams. Oh joy. I'm not gonna let myself stress yet, I'll leave the stressing until the night before my first exam, when I'll start to panic about what on earth I will do if I don't get the exam results I need for University...
Speaking of Uni, a couple of classmates have heard back from the Halls of Residence they applied to...the offical date for most halls (to hear back) was the 14th, but I won't get any letters for another week or so because our mail is still being re-directed from our old address...grrr.
I'm still uncertain about the courses I want to take next year...doing a BA I have so many options. I'd love to stick with my original plan; 2 English papers, 2 German papers (one at 200 level), 2 Film & Media Studies papers, and 2 Theatre Studies.....BUT I need to be realistic about future career options, I mean where the hell is theatre actually going to take me, I was forced to give up my dream of acting years ago....the lady I spoke to from Canterbury Uni suggested if I want to get into Music Journalism, I should take some music papers but the only ones that I could get into/that dont clash with english, are about like the history of jazz, and the culture of hiphop...not really me.
I'm thinking I might look at doing a double degree, or at least combining some Arts papers with some Commerce papers...I don't know.
Anyway...I think I'm coming down with something (again)...I've been feeling crap all day (nothing new I guess)...but I'm working tommorow and sunday so I'm not going to have that much time to recover from whatever the hell I have :-S