I can haz herbs and a job interview

May 19, 2009 17:11

I picked up some herb plants today.  It seemed like a good sensible way to have fresh herbs without a ton of waste.  Maybe I'll expand my cooking horizons.

The library called this morning.  I have an interview tomorrow.  I'm trying not to worry about it.  And planning to get up a little early so I have plenty of time to wake up and eat something before I walk down there and babble incoherently.  Seriously.  I never know what to say in job interviews.  Sometimes my babbling gets me hired, sometimes it doesn't.  And, no, memorizing the "right" answers to likely questions won't work.  I'm horrible at random memorization.  Besides, I'd feel like I was cheating, and that wouldn't help.

In other news, I really want sushi for some reason, but if I go get it I'll have to drive - it seriously looks like it's going to rain, and possibly thunderstorm.  And I happen to have a not-entirely-rational fear of lightning.  (It goes with all my other not-entirely-rational fears.)  But I feel stupid driving to a place that's only four or so blocks away.  But lightning.  *sigh*  Why aren't there sushi places that deliver?

Ah well, I will figure out how to acquire sushi.  Or make something else at home.  Stupid fear of lightning.

work, food, life

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