I should not feel guilty calling out sick

Nov 21, 2013 19:00

 I have a sinus infection and feel like patient zero in some zombie apocalypse.  It is supposed to be cold and snowy (again) tomorrow.  Now, granted, thanks to this stupid thing, I've already missed work and gone home early a few days, but good god, I feel mostly dead.  And that's after sleeping until one pm (aside from getting up briefly to have a banana and my antibiotics).  I'd have gone back to bed after lunch, but I was worried I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I did, so I stayed up until medicine taking and dinner time (that is, now).  I can barely focus, nuking soup was a great effort, and I feel guilty about calling out for tomorrow.

I called out anyway.  Because, realistically, the odds of my crawling out of bed in the morning and having the strength to a) walk 6 blocks or b) dig out my car and drive six blocks - much less work afterwards - are severely not good.

Ima gonna go die now.  And thank god I work somewhere that won't fire me for calling out when I feel like a quasi-animate corpse.

This entry was originally posted at http://smurasaki.dreamwidth.org/134416.html.

life, sick

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