This was so ungodly annoying and offensive that I had to rant about it.
Lori Gottlieb's
Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough in the March issue of Atlantic Monthly is the most offensive writing on relationships that I've encountered since
The Rules. Not many people can write something that is so thouroughly offensive to both men
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Real women don't have sex drives? Ooookay. Oh, sure, there are people out there who don't have sex drives, but there are also rather a lot of people out there who do. Including women. I think you're right. These people think their feelings and experiences = everyone's feelings and experiences. That would also explain why they're missing the whole spectrum of not-straight and/or not-cisgender people.
But...real women don't have sex drives? Great, my mother's an alien or something. (She once confided that she seduced my father...he just looked so cute and innocent. Which was a bit more than I really wanted to hear about my parents' relationship. Still, I'd rather hear that than "oh, I just do it with him for room and board" or whatever the hell these women are doing. Do not want!)
Then there are the people desperately pretending they don't. That has the potential to become really dangerous.
(Okay, that was seriously low... No relation between Republicans and serial killers, although the repression thing does seem relevant to both.)
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