Okay, frequently might be going a little far, but working at the downtown branch of a city library district can be a little less than dull and boring. Take today, for example.
I arrived at 9 am to find my 8 am arriving counterpart moderately freaked out and police cars in the upper parking lot. Apparently some dude who got himself suspended from the library yesterday showed up to argue with security and ended up pulling a knife on the only guard there at the time. My coworker and the guard called 911 and dude with the knife ran away. No one was hurt, but the guard and my coworker were - understandably - freaked out.
Midday, I was working the circ desk with other coworkers when we noticed someone try to go around the security gates. Which went off, anyway, as they're supposed to. Eight or so not-checked-out items pop up on the gate watch software. Amazingly, the guy came back when we called him back. He insisted he didn't have anything, even though we (and the security guards) could see that his chest and abdomen had strange rectangular shapes under his coat. Security asked him to open his coat and he turned out to have a whole ton o' DVDs stuffed in there. Like we couldn't have guessed that. *facepalm* He was also drunk and had a bottle of alcohol in his coat pocket.
Then there was the guy who had a fit at yet another coworker because he couldn't go demand a job from our boss. (Because that's exactly the way to get a job. Yep.) That guy's reality, it's terrible discrimination that we make people fill out applications.
To finish out the day of win, some yutz printed out a screed against helping the poor and taped a ton of copies up all over the place. With his name and phone number on them.
Just another dull, boring day at the library.
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