My friend Ami, who rants wonderfully, just posted this rant: It is well worth reading, but the gist of it is that, contrary to popular opinion, women do not, in fact, exist solely to make heterosexual men hot. And, specifically to this post, women do sometimes post pictures of themselves on line because they want to share something else, like a present or their favorite book or... all the many other reasons a person might post a picture of them and some other thing. In her rant, Ami posted a picture of herself with one of her favorite books, and, since blogspot hates me and won't let me do this in her comments, I'm going to post a picture of me and one of my favorite books.
Voila! Solidarity!
Now go read her rant, it's awesome! Also read the book I'm holding, it too is awesome, though it otherwise has little do to with my post. (And my grammar is disintegrating. Must be time for bed.)