I have some stuff that's definitely worth selling and some stuff that might be worth selling, and ebay seems like an okay route to go. I'm not comfortable selling stuff on craigslist - I'd rather lose a little money on shipping stuff than go to some strangers home or have them go to mine. (And yet this does not bother me when it comes to freecycle. Go figure.)
Is this a good idea? A bad idea? Any tips, tricks, or things I should know? Would I be best off borrowing Ebay for Dummies or similar books from the library first? The thought of selling things tends to make me stupid and panicky (I have sales-phobia? What is the Greek for "sales" anyway?) , but I really need to get over that. I have a Nook I don't use, a clarinet I haven't played in years, a few items of clothing that might be worth enough to ebay, and a few other odd bits (like a PalmPilot...which I may freecycle, because I really don't think that's worth anything in the age of iPads and Smartphones) and if I can get a bit of money for them, I really should.
Of course, if anyone on my friends list wants to buy them, that'd be cool, too. But mostly I want advice. :)
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