Sep 04, 2010 23:29
seriously just fuck all this shit ok
i don't need to be going through all this fucking bullshit ok. you know those days when you scroll through your contacts and there's absolutely no one you can talk to because they're either busy living their oh so fucking perfect lives or they hear what you have got to say but they don't actually listen. when you finally find a person you can talk to, they give you possibly the worst advice you could ask for. then you stop and think to yourself, why the fuck did i even bother telling you that in that case? i've always thought about turning to other friends during times like these, those friends whom you're not particularly close to but can trust nevertheless, but hey guess what! just as you're about to text that person, you realize, oh shit wait no if you find out i'm dead. so a round of applause, you're back to square one.
call me whiny or whatever shit you want to call me, just fuck my life ok?
maybe if all those things didn't happen, then i wouldn't be feeling this shitty right now