Nov 12, 2003 20:17
I find myself with an extra day on hand and I don't freaking want it! Lemme explain this better...
For some unknown reason I keep thinking that it's one day later than it really is. Yesterday was Wednesday to me and today was Thursday to the point that when I sat down at lunch today and was doing some work I beat the table with the realization that tomorrow is not friday but Thursday! It's making me crazy! So there exists my extra day.
Oh and I got the urge to make Pumpkin bread today, mainly because I want to eat it ^^ I've never made Pumpkin bread before but I've been in a really obsessive mood lately... I painted my hair green with a marker because I was all hyper active and stuffs. So yeah anyways I'm thinking I'll make Pumpkin bread for the game this weekend... don't hold out cause I'll have to clean up but I love cooking and I'm taking Friday off so cooking would be such great fun. But don't hold out cause it'd be a new recipe too all the same... I'm getting happy thinking about it ^^