Title: -- Rating: PG? Characters/pairing: Draco/Ginny Word count: 400 Summary/notes: Written for challenge one at hp_expertus--spring rain, slight angst, wet clothes, Ginny/Draco.
This is actually one of my favorite ships, so I loved this. The way that Draco is actually going against his norm just to keep her in his life is something that I wish people would explore more. Ginny is using that typical Gryffindor chracter traits to make sure that something happens. But I wonder if this is what she really wants.
A prequel and a sequel would be great to this piece.
Acck, that was brilliant. I'm so glad it didn't turn out that she went rushing back after him or something. Even though it might have been happier, it wouldn't have been as perfect as it is now.
Hmmm. I wrote something sort of similar: Swept Away, and I think it's fascinating to see the different writing styles.
Comments 4
A prequel and a sequel would be great to this piece.
Hmmm. I wrote something sort of similar: Swept Away, and I think it's fascinating to see the different writing styles.
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