OK, so I really, really love strawberries. And I like organic strawberries even better. So I thought I'd try to grow some in the p-patch this year. I say some, but I really mean A LOT. *G* So I ordered some from
Peaceful Valley Farms. However, they managed to screw up my order not once but twice, and I don't know if I'll go back to them for anything else. I may look at Sqwak Mountain nursery later for a couple more varieties, but for now I must find a place to put the Chandlers (Bing! *G*) that are on their way here.
Lets see, what else? I found a nice article in the local paper about container gardening. I mostly like it because it mentions the woman is an avid knitter as well. *G* You can find that article
Still gearing up for getting started on this adventure. I'm still reading a variety of books (went through two in the past couple of days), and trying to glean bits of knowledge from
the Gardenweb forums. My most basic challenge right now is exercising patience while I wait for my welcome packet from the p-patch people. I would like to know if they've done a soil test for pH this year, so I can figure out what kind of amendments I should make. And whether or not I should try to get compost from
Cedar Grove delivered to the patch. WAY less expensive to have them deliver about 1.5 cubic yards than it is to try to buy in bags. Ugh!
A couple more celery seedlings poked their heads up out of the dirt yesterday, which was nice. I'd given them up for lost over the weekend, but hadn't gotten around to dumping and replacing them. Some of the broccoli seems to be doing a bit poorly after bottom watering yesterday, but the peppers and the eggplant are looking fantastic! I must also remember to start a few more onions (both red and yellow) this weekend. Nothing from the 'maters yet, but I need to be patient there. I hope the other cherry 'mater seeds I ordered are at the PO tomorrow, as I'd like to get a few of those going as well.
More planning and playing with graph paper and square foot gardening ideas in store for me tomorrow and through the weekend! And possibly here from my desk today, if I'm really sneaky about it. *G*
One last thing - yay for icons! Thank you