app for route_29

Dec 14, 2020 21:32

Name: Shannon
Livejournal Username: arafaxdeep (look, I have one now!)
AIM/MSN: DiverseCity112 -- AIM
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: Zidane Tribal // FFIX

Name: Ronald (Ron) Bilius Weasley
Series: Harry Potter
Timeline: After he gets knocked out after playing EXTREME WIZARDING CHESS at the end of the Sorcerer’s Stone
Canon Resource Links: BAM! Here’s a link.

Affiliation: Trainer

Personality: Ron Weasley is by almost all accounts, an idiot. He’s not particularly good at anything, other than Wizard’s Chess. He’s a little socially awkward, such as making jokes at other people’s expense - most sarcastic. (Perhaps he got that from certain twin brothers of his?) Most of all, he’s blunt and will speak his mind, whether you like it or not. He doesn’t stop to think about what he’s going to say most times, and he will tell you that you’re an idiot if he thinks so.

One of the types of people that he absolutely can’t stand is know-it-alls. Ron and Hermione - yeah, they didn’t get off on the right foot at first. Even by the end of the Sorcerer’s Stone (and then some), at times he would pick on the fact that she seemed to know everything. They got under each other’s skin, and most of the time it would end up in an icy silence or Hermione storming off. It’s another one of those moments where he has the “foot-in-mouth” disease quite often.

Ron’s family is dirt poor - it’s evident in almost every way. Everything he owns is hand-me-downs; not a whole lot of new things are bought for the boy. It embarrasses him. He hates not having money to buy anything with - and he will get ashamed of it if it’s brought up in conversation. At this point in his life, he’s especially this way. Immature? Maybe. Whatever the case, he’s very insecure about that - insecure about everything about him, even. He sees great wizards and witches like Harry or even Hermione, and he doesn’t exactly think a whole lot of himself.

Also, he’s got a fiery temper. It’s usually sparked by people who pick on his friends, but it can range to a number of other things also. If sparked, he won’t hesitate to start arguments, but most of them end in him in a huffy silence. He’s also been known to carry grudges also - but that doesn’t really come up that often until later on in his canon.

However, if you get past all of that, he’s a fiercely loyal friend. Like indicated before, that’s some of what sparks his temper. He’ll stand by his friends - shrieking and complaining - but he’ll stand by them anyway.

Ron’s also brave when it actually comes to it. His canon point proves it - he risked his life so that Harry and Hermione could move on. He knowingly put himself in the line of fire to protect them in the life sized version of Wizard’s Chess. Of course, he was scared - but he didn’t back down when he made his mind up to do it.

He’s very much the stereotypical wizard - he has no idea about anything in the Muggle world. Being raised in a complete wizarding family, he’s only used to the things of the magical realm. Aka: he’ll be completely confused about everything and anything in Johto.

Socially, he’s in the middle. Not really outgoing - but not shy either, unless again, his insecurities are pointed out. He may talk to people if they spark his interests or amuse him in some sort of way. Or even still, he may just talk to them out of necessity.

- Like stated before, he’s loyal to his friends.
- He’s brave.
- He’s comedic relief - intentionally or unintentionally.
- He’ll kick a person’s butt at chess.

- He is deathly afraid of spiders. He freaks out when he’s around them, and will more than likely run away.
- Just because he’s good at chess doesn’t mean he’s good at strategies in real life.
- He’s very insecure about how poor his family is, and even about his own failures. He doesn’t think he’s anything special.
- Since he’s so fiercely loyal to his friends, it’s not a pretty picture if something happens to them.

Starter: Magikarp
Password: Deviled Eggs

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample: …What’s this?

[BAM eye in the Gear. He takes it and shakes it, as if that’s going to tell him anything. After a few moments of waiting he pulls it away, his curiosity piqued by the object.] Must be one of those Muggle inventions! Blimey, if only Harry were here to tell me what it is. I bet he’d know.

[He shrugs though, and throws it over his shoulder.] Must be broken. Can’t get anything to play.

[The camera lands just so there’s a nice visual of his side. He’s rather dirty - and there’s a rather nice bruise on him too.

However, he’s looking at the fish in front of him.]

Now what the bloody hell are you? [He picks the Magikarp up by the tail, before holding it properly on the body.] You’re some strange looking fish from what I’ve seen - [Well, the Magikarp didn’t take very well to be picked up and he starts flopping in Ron’s hands. The boy lets go, and the fish Pokémon flops onto his face. With a rather unbecoming scream Ron tries to get the flopping Magikarp off, hitting his Gear again. It goes flying once more, before hitting the ground and making the feed turn off.]

Third Person Sample: Some time later after that transmission, Ron finally calmed himself and the Pokémon down. He had finally figured out how to put the flopping thing back into the Pokéball. Nice use of Muggle technology, that. The thing wouldn’t leave him alone.

Now, he could actually think. Or try to. Just where was he? There had been some woman who called herself his mum - but that couldn’t really have been his mum. His mum definitely hadn’t looked like that.

Besides all of that, the last thing he remembered was that life size version of Wizard’s Chess. He had gotten hit, and -

That’s it! It must all be a dream. A very strange, strange dream.

“Just wait until Fred and George get a load of this one. They’ll never let me live it down.” The boy muttered underneath his breath, and then finally stood up. He couldn’t help but wonder, though - how had Harry and Hermione’s attempt at stopping You-Know-Who gone? With what he had done, they had better have beaten that git.

“Now, let’s see here…” He mused, taking a deep breath. He looked back at the Pokéball that held the mental fish - and pressed the button to release it again. However, Ron couldn’t help a surprised yelp when the thing came out, and he fell back over on his bottom.

The thing was flopping. Again.

“Strange little bugger. Like a fish out of wa-“ He snapped, his eyes lighting up. “That’s what you want, right? Water! I’m brilliant.”

He paused, though, looking around. “Though I don’t suppose nobody could tell me where water is around here…” Well, that was just his luck. He had to get this mad fish into some sort of water, and then maybe go back to “mum” and ask some more questions.

He couldn’t wait to wake up from this dream.

...i'm a crazyfaise

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