I just flat ironed my hair in less than FIVE minutes with my brand new
CHI. I love it to death. I guess it's a good thing my old flat iron decided to stop working. God bless Chi! Oh but wait . . . holy crap, with my discount, it came out to be 105$ (originally 120$) - waaaaaay too much but if it doesn't break down in a few months, it will have been worth it.
Citrus College really likes to fuck me over, man. When I first registered in NOVEMBER, they told me the starting date for Spring 2005 was 17 January . . . WELL, I never thought they would give me the wrong fucking date so I never checked up on that. OOPS, MY BAD! I didn't know about yesterday being a holiday (aka I forgot school would not be in session) until Sunday so of course, it never dawned on me that WAIT A SECOND, SCHOOL STARTING ON MLK DAY!? THAT'S NOT RIGHT. So yesterday, I call the school and duh, the offices are closed. I check the Citrus website and OH LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HEEEEERE >> Classes started on 08 January.
^ And that is about all I had to say when I found out that bit of information.
So after I awoke from blacking out, I called Marinello and gave the really nice dude my information and I got a call from the school today and I have an appointment to meet up with 'Anthony' tomorrow to talk about everything and classes start in February so please pray or um wish or something (anything) that I get in because I am really tired of getting kicked in the ass and this is my last hope unless I find another school that offers night time classes! :(
That was a really long run-on sentence. BEAT THAT.
I should go to sleep now . . . 7a likes to arrive quickly. Boo.
OH BUT I have discovered a way to make my mind/body think that I am sleeping in! I set my alarm for 640a and then just keep hitting snooze and by the time I decide to get up, it's only a little after 7a. I am sure that I am not the first to think of this but it's news to me and it works. Go me! *crowd goes wild*