Oct 12, 2007 22:44
Discussed abortion in Religion. I am completely against abortion in any case (except when the mother's life is in danger) yet the chapter title irked me: 'Human Life is Sacred: Abortion and Cloning'. What happened to open-mindedness?
Anyway, Mrs C asked us all when to we think life begins. A lot - including me - said at conception; a lot said at the first heartbeat. But Liam said at birth, about which he was teased endlessly after the class. 'At birth?' we said. 'At BIRTH?' Of course, everyone has their own opinion...
When Mrs C described to us the two different ways of aborting a baby I thought I was going to cry, and I don't really know why.
In other school related news, Mrs Y has decided that she doesn't like my story after all. Feh. She says there's too much dialogue. Meh. She wants me to rewrite the whole thing. Er...seh! But seriously, I don't want to. I like it just fine the way it is, even if SHE doesn't.
I've been going home with Sinead on Fridays lately as my mother is working, and every Friday after school, because her mother is delayed a bit Sinead makes us walk into the centre of town for no reason whatsoever, even though we both have heavy bags and books to carry. So we walked all the way there just to wait at the corner of the pub and watch traffic get blocked up at the town crossroads and the butcher run out into the centre to start directing the cars.
I have a lot of homework. My room needs dusting. I forgot my Art book in school, which means I'll have to do all my Art homework on Monday. Mrs Y didn't like my story. The horse-riding centre might be closing down. My play most likely won't be selected to be read on the radio. But it's Friday.
I think I'll watch some Futurama.