Aug 21, 2008 15:20
So we finally took the plunge yesterday. I got a nano instead of a touch, and I still wonder if that was the right choice, but the main reason I ever wanted an ipod was to go running with it, and I would not go running with a touch, so there you are.
My problem is this. I feel the need to name this machine, but nothing seems quite right. Some I considered:
1) Zayne- I've always liked the name, but I think I mostly thought of it because listened to Specials on the way up here.
2) Jehedra- well. Long story.
3) Jimothy- the result of wondering what "Jim" was short for. Apparently, not a real name. But when has that ever stopped us before?
4) Heligenshein, shein for short. tried this out for a while, butitidn't seem quite right.
5) Weiss- at this point I was looking through the German dictionary that I brought to study for the placemnt test. in addition to white, wiess (pronounced like vice) also means blank or clean, which I find descriptive of a mac.
6) Kenji- dunno, just like it.
7) open to suggesstions!
Anyway, I have yet to turn him/her/it on, as he/she/it spent last night charging and today in the car/my bookbag as we wandered New Haven, accomplishing various tasks. I do, however, plan to try her out while I'm here in the library, where I have applied to work as a page. I still have to interview, and I hope I can do that tomorrow, since after that I can't until the 29th, which is the last possible day and also the first of orientation, when I'll have annoying required sex talks and such.