Jan 31, 2005 16:38
I want someone to build me one of those space hyper sleep stasis cocoons you see in sci-fi movies so I can skip weekends. I went to bed at 9 each night over the last one, not out of fatigue, but because there was just nothing to do. I did not go anywhere. Nobody came over. All my family was gone. I didn't watch any TV or movies. I didn't play any computer or video games. I didn't do anything except read, play guitar, and take the dog for a walk (a million times.) It might sound peaceful, idylic, but it was hell.
I was so glad to be back in school, and see so many people, especially the people I don't know. I fell asleep in Guitar second period, but came back third and played through the whole hour. I fell asleep in Typing fourth period, sitting straight up, without knowing it until I snapped awake from my head tipping too far. I did homework at lunch, then fell asleep again 6th and 7th periods in both CATs. I got a ride home eighth, which was lucky, because all I wanted to do was sleep. I am still groggy as I write this. I don't know how I can be so tired after sleeping so much. I should be making something for dinner, but I'm going to go take a nap.