I give you a rant about people

Sep 15, 2005 18:52

I feel as an American I should way in on the whole New Orleans problem. Simply it sucks, there are way to many fingers being pointed, and for once you can't blame bush. I know it's, but the Louisiana Army Corps of Enagears was given the lagrest budget of any of the states with the directions to make sure the levies and dikes were sound, and b/c polotitions wanted parks and soft projects, th emoney was deverted. An lets not even talk about FEMA WOW. Lets take a moment to talk about the hatred that the world bares the US. I know alot of it is deserved, but at the same times stories of people saying we deserved it, com on it's a fucking Nateral desaster. As much as I love my Canadians, when Juan hit HFX was it deserved, and the damage was no where near as bad, I say no I think it was a tradgity. But anyways the stories that keep coming out of the area are nuts. like the people that left 35 old people to die. The animals that have been left behind, the destruction, loss of life both Human nad pets, the history washed away. I don't understand how anyone could veiw this as some form od divine retrobution. It's sick loss of life is hard on everyone the US as a country, as a people are less now, historicaly, physicaly, mentaly, and emtinaly we have been made less but that's my rant for that.
Quote of the day

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
--Mahatma Gandhi

Poem of the day

Epitaph on the Tombstone of a Child, the Last of Seven that Died Before
Aphra Behn (1640-1689)

This Little, Silent, Gloomy Monument,
Contains all that was sweet and innocent ;
The softest pratler that e'er found a Tongue,
His Voice was Musick and his Words a Song ;
Which now each List'ning Angel smiling hears,
Such pretty Harmonies compose the Spheres;
Wanton as unfledg'd Cupids, ere their Charms
Has learn'd the little arts of doing harms ;
Fair as young Cherubins, as soft and kind,
And tho translated could not be refin'd ;
The Seventh dear pledge the Nuptial Joys had given,
Toil'd here on Earth, retir'd to rest in Heaven ;
Where they the shining Host of Angels fill,
Spread their gay wings before the Throne, and smile.
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