Jan 14, 2010 19:35
Looking at help_haiti got me thinking. I know probably hardly anybody reads this, but I'd like to offer a little ficlet side-story of The Better Days for a donation to any of the charities at help_haiti. It can be pre-TBD's timeline...happy!Zac down the road...something smack in the middle of TBD...any ideas, I'd be glad to write something up. Nothing dirty, please. If you're interested, post your idea, the amount you bid and the charity you're donating to.
And hey, if you want something else written? A poem? My honors thesis in college was a poetry compilation. I'd be glad to write whatever you want me to write. Just comment me and let me know your ideas. I get motivation and impetus to write, you get (hopefully) an enjoyable story/poem, and Haiti gets money to help the victims of the quake...it's a win-win, right??
the better days,
side story