*This angel spots the horse demon searching as she's wandering to stretch her wings. How unusual, what could Sleipnir have on him that he could lose? Gabriel approaches.* Is something wrong?
Oh hey a pretty winged lady! Sleipnir clunks his head against the bottom of the bench he was looking under before managing to get his feet under him and trotting over.
Your mother...? *pause. ...oh! Yes, that would warrant searching in small areas too, wouldn't it?* I've seen Loki once, but that was months ago. I'm not certain where he is now.
"Have you seen my Mommy?"
Sad horse is sad.
But then he remembers his manners! Manners are very important - Uncle Balder said so.
"Thank you for telling me, pretty winged lady!"
Yes, that is clearly the appropriate thing to do.
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