Mitsuru has never been one to actively seek out assistance unless strictly necessary, and even then she hesitates as a matter of pride. Which is why she isn't happy to be sitting next to a bench near the Forest Of Doors, propped up in a Clinic issued wheelchair. It makes her look weak, which is made even worse by the fact that she knows she is weak. Even the armrest of the wheelchair has a few cloth pouches attached, holding saline and other vital fluids that connect directly to the IV in her wrist. Still, she sits and waits for the children to finish school patiently, occasionally nodding off before jerking awake again and frantically checking the time.
"..." Surely, anything would occupy her time better than checking and re-checking her watch over and over.
[RIP drugsuru's liver, it lived a long fruitful life under the cruel thumb of drug abuse until it finally gave out. What a little trooper. On the downside, Mitsuru looks and feels terrible. Come cheer her up, jeer at her or wheel her back to hospital- IT MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE WOoooOOOOoooOOO~]
[(It's not your last chance)]