Sep 26, 2010 12:54
The Mall playground usually has a few small human children and young demons that manage to play together, especially late in the afternoon. But it's quiet today- most of the children are mysteriously asleep on the play equipment or in the sand, and look like they've been that way for a while. All except one inside of the sandpit, a dark haired boy in with droopy red headwings singing loudly enough to be heard in the nearby stores.
"A, B...D, E..KFC. H, N, M, N, ELEMENO P." If it's meant to be the alphabet, the kid is waaaaay off. Even worse is that the closer you get to kid with bad spelling, the funnier you feel. Floaty, even. Soon everything feels great, even if you can't keep your balance without assistance or form a coherent sentence. Inhibitions and boundaries are archaic relics- you don't need them!
You're neither drunk nor high- you're a mixture of the two, courtesy of demigod learning to control his power in the sandpit.
[The longer your character stays within a few metres of Teodor, the worse the effects become. Effects won't wear off immediately, but they'll get better once you get away. It might hurt his feelings, though D:]
kirijo mitsuru