Jul 29, 2009 15:35
[Have one (1) Yuzu walking in, chattering away at what she thinks is her friend, when she stops and looks around.]
...I know I was planning on going shopping, but where did this mall come from?
((ooc: pre-game Yuzu! Meaning she has no COMP, Macca, or any way to defend herself other than her, erm, natural charm.))
tanikawa yuzu
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[You were really glad to see her--now you had pretty much the whole team together, if you could just get Midori to stay in one place... you're not really aware this one doesn't have a COMP, like you're holding in your hand.
... Or like the Jack Frost following you. Whoops?]
Hey, Neko! I- wait. Didn't I just...?
... Probably. There's at least 5 of me here.
Five!? What's going on here!?
[It occurs to you that Yuzu seems to have lost her memory, but you let that slide. Not much can bother you too easily...] Jack Frost just... you usually summon him?
Yeah, five. [You pause. How to explain...?] This place is weird and the doors lead to other worlds that trap multiples of everyone here inside until they find their door.
[Being blunt has NEVER failed you before!]
Doors...? Other worlds...? [ you may have just broken her brain with this ]
[You have a feeling she isn't going to react well to that, but maybe Jack Frost's kind, sweet nature will help. You... hope.]
I... know, it sounds ridiculous. There are demons here and back where I came from, too, but some of them--like this one--are good, and are helping us fight....
...Fight against what?
... Everything, pretty much. Remember how I said this place can bring in people from other worlds? Well, it can also bring people from different times... I think I'm from your future.
[Totally. Deadpan. You hope she believes you.]
...I don't know what to believe anymore...
... If I told you everything that has happened to me in the last six days of my life, I think you wouldn't bother to question if I was sane.
Are you sure you want to know?
Mm... well, I'm going to find out about it sooner or later...
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