Serena Lily Potter

Jan 21, 2007 15:54

Title: Serena in the wizarding world
Writer: Aragorn’s little girl Ser
Summary: “Serena Tsukino has been having weird dreams when she finds out her last name is Potter and she has a brother named Harry. Now she'll have to find him and prove he has more love than just the Dursley's. Darien is Endymion but Draco is his brother. Disclaim”
Canon: Dubbed anime, the Outers have their original names
Rating: 4

Name: Serena Lily Potter AKA High Princess Serenity Lily Diana Luna Artemis Moon Alexandria Serene Potter Princess of Moon and Sun Kingdom daughter of Queen Serenity and King James (Bust by Mimi)
Species: Lunarian Veela
Senshi Title: Still Sailor Moon
Hair: Blonde, up in odangos, changed to red with black and blonde streaks by Pluto when she receives her letter
Eyes: Blue, changed to bright green
Unusual Markings/Colorations: None
Senshi Outfit: Canon
Possessions: A wand with a phoenix feather (from the same bird that supplied feathers for Harry and Voldemort's wands) in it and a white owl named Lily.
Guardians: Luna, but she doesn't get to go to Hogwarts with Serena because it's cooler for her and her brother to have matching snowy owls.

Origin: Serena was adopted. The Tsukinos told her that her real parents died in a car crash, but she finds out that they were really murdered by Voldemort when Queen Serenity decides to visit her on a whim in her dreams and return all of her memories to her. (She was the same age as Harry but somehow managed to hide in a closet when Voldemort came around.)
Connections to Canon: Harry Potter’s twin sister. Guess what house she’s sorted into. By her fifth year, her, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are prefects. Harry was also her brother, Prince Harold of The Long Name, during the Silver Millennium. Draco falls in love with her (and turns into a complete sap who writes love poetry) once she reveals that she’s a veela and then later finds out that Voldemort wants him to date her so he can get close to her.
Senshi Moves: Canon
Other Special Abilities: She and Harry have “bloody amazing” singing voices. She can speak Lunarian and returns Ron and Hermione’s memories of being Harry’s guardians in the Silver Millennium.
Annoying Traits: The Tsukinos, just like the Dursleys, are intolerant of magic users and forbid her from going. (But they don’t go to same length that the Dursleys did.)

Comments: Personally, I'm more miffed by Sap!Draco than LicoriceHead!Serena. No male character deserves to be this pussified.


Dear Ms. Potter ,

We are please to imform you that you have been accept at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all nessary books and equipment. Term begins on September1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress" read Serena.

" Potter what are they talking about you're a Tsukino" said Mr. Tsukino.

" No all you did was adopt me my real name is Serena Lily Potter daughter James and Lily Potter," said Serena. "I'm going to this school wether you like or not I'm going to find my brother there."

" Uh Serena I'm right here''replied Sammy.

" She wasn't talking yeh she was talking about her brother Harry. Las' time I saw you Serena, you was only a baby." said Hagrid.

" She will not be going I'm not going to pay some crackpot old man to teach my daughter magic tricks." exclaimed Mr. Tsukino.

" Don't you ever insult Professor Dumbledore when I'm around and Serena is going her name has been down ever sense she was a baby" said Hagrid.

" We won't let her leave either we are suppose to protect her" said Ray, Lit, Amy and Mina.

Serena looked at Hagrid with apologetic look in her eyes and turned to face her senshi. Lita has chestnut hair in a high ponytail with green eyes she was Sailor Jupiter. Raye is Sailor Mars, Amy 's Sailor Mercury and Mina has blonde hair with a red bow she's Sailor Venus. They are older than her by two years.

"Mars, Jupiter ,Mercury, Venus stand down he won't hurt me and I'm going to this school" said Serena in a full comanding voice.

Setsuna transformed into Sailor Pluto and slowly walked up to Serena and bowed while the inner senish try to figure out who this senish was.

" Princess I have something I want to give back to you. Right now you don't nothing like your parents so here's my gift. I must warn you though you won't have your blond hair any more but maybe a few blond streaks mixed with black and you won't have blue eyes no more" said Setsuna.

" I understand Pluto" replied Serena as her hair changed red with black and blond streaks and her eyes went a startling green.

" Are yeh ready Serena we have to go get pick up Harry?" asked Hagrid.

" Yes Hagrid I'm ready for Hogwarts" Serena replied.


"I don’t think I like chocolate frogs..." she whimpered...Harry and Ron shared a look before bursting out with laughter at the expense of Serena, until they were interrupted by a girl with long bushy chestnut brown hair and warm honey brown eyes.
"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one;" she asked.
"No. She squished a chocolate frog, does that help?" replied Ron pointing at a very flustered Serena.
"Shut up, Ron!" cried Serena before whacking him up the back of the head.
The girl left quickly left the compartment leaving poor Ron rubbing the back of his while glaring at the green eyed demon who hit him. The compartment door open again and another girl enters.
" ‘ello! Je suis nouvelle  Hogwarts! J’amepelle Jezelle!" she rushed, sitting beside a shell shocked Harry.(note. Kat: Sorry about the spelling, three hours of caroling...death...) It was very odd hearing a cheerful voice coming from such a tall, slightly plump girl, but not too much, just pleasantly so. She had dark brown almond shaped eyes and dark purplish auburn hair, an oval face, and very pale skin. Her nails were painted black.
" Um... What?" Ron finally asked as the compartment door opened yet again.
"Well ... Well...what do we have here," said an arrogant, drawling voice.
They looked up to see a pale white blond haired boy with sharp blue gray eyes and a stuck up smirk on his face. ‘Great just great Malfoy just had to show up and ruin my day’ Ron thought. Serena tapped into Ron’s mind and heard what he thought; she had to agree.
"A Weasley surrounded by mudbloods."
The tall French girl rushed up, grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed both his cheeks.
"Bonjour! C’est tres manifique, non? Je’taime le train! C’est chouette, nicest pas?" She spoke again, leaving everyone with the look of "what?" on their faces. Malfoy just stood there, blinking quite a bit.
"Tu ne parle pas le francias?" She asked and the blond blinked again. " Very well.. Um...‘ow oo say...ez nice!" She said, in highly accented English.
"Nice? What’s nice?" He asked and Serena had to admire his patience, despite her previous impression.
"The tran! Zis! " she motioned to the floor.
"The train!" He replied, having gotten it. " Well, yeah I suppose."
"oo de at...teesh me angliase, and I teash oo francais!" She anouced, much to Ron’s confusion. He and Harry shared looks, and Draco nodded.
"Sounds like a plan. Oh, and potter, I believe we met in madame malkin’s. nice to see you again. May I have a seat?" he asked coolly and The Girl, pulled him down next to her and grinned.
"Well, I guess so then." Harry replied good naturedly and took the hand extended to him by Draco.
"But he’s a Malfoy!"
"Name ez non eveyting. Do non be comme de ta...Stupid." The Girl said, and the Other Girl with bushy hair came back and had a seat next to Draco.
"sorry, everywhere else is full. I’m Hermione." She smiled, revealing her slightly large front teeth.
"I’m Harry, and this is my sister Serena." They both waved, and Hermione nodded.
"I know who you are. I’ve read about you. Lot’s of book." Harry looked a bit weirded out and Serena giggled.
"I’m Ron Weasley." The red head nodded, smiling a little. Serena whispered something to Harry about sparks and The Girl grinned, muttering a bit in French to Draco, who didn’t understand it but blushed anyway as Serena and The Girl both winked at him.
"I- ahem- I’m Dr-Draco Malfoy." He sputtered, rather ungraceful before sneering down at her.
"I Jezelle!" The Girl called, and everyone nodded. After a highly interesting train ride, with shouted French/English fight between Serena and Jezelle over Draco, they made it to the Great Hall. Harry and Serena exchanged thoughts on who would be where, and They agreed that Draco was definitely Slytherin material, with the help of Ron’s impute, and that they wanted to be in Gryffindor.
"Barbecourte, Jezelle." The strict looking professor Mc Gonagall called, and the imposing French girl sat on the stool, the hat screaming Slytherin about 3.2 seconds after it touched her head. Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor, and Draco was sorted into Slytherin before you could blink, and Harry, Serena and Ron were all sorted into Gryffindor. [Jezelle disappears after this chapter because the author got into a fight with her beta.]


“Now can any one tell me what a Veela is?”
Hands shot up all around the room and Professor Meiou smiled and Hermione looked surprised when she saw Harry and Serena’s hand up as well.
“Yes Ms. Potter” replied Setsuna.
“Well Professor, there are different types of veelas. For example there Martian, Mercurian, Jovian, Venusian, Plutonian and Lunarian. Not all veelas have silver white hair some of them have Black, Blue, Green and Red hair. Veelas are very beautiful creatures they have the power of allurement over witches and wizards and they also mate for life” said Serena.
“How would you know Potter?” sneered Draco.
“I don’t know maybe it’s because my sister is one” remarked Harry.
“No she not Potter, she a mud blood just like her mother and Granger” said Draco.
“No I’m a Lunarian Veela” replied Serena while going into her Princess form to prove her point.
Her red, black and blond highlight hair was place in their traditional Meatball style. Her beautiful white flowing ball room grown showed every curve of her body. Up on her forehead was an up turned crescent moon a light mist around her feat and a gentle wind blew her hair making her look ethereal . About a dozen Slytherins and Gryffindors fell out of their seats at the sight of her. Malfoy included. Because for once in his life found something more beautiful than himself.
“60 points to Gryffindor,” said Professor Meiou as she watched Serena go back to normal “Well done Ms. Potter.”
‘Staring out at Earth, Adoring the beauty.
Poor little Princess all alone.
Surrounded by her friends,
She still feels empty.
Like half of herself is missing.
Poor Moon Princess,
All alone in the silver light.
Her mother tries to counsel her,
But her attempts end in vain.
Her fourteenth birthday.
Her mother holds a ball.
She dances with all of her suitors,
Yet wishes she wasn’t there.
She laughs with her friends,
Yet hurts inside at the loneness.
She escapes out to the balcony,
Absorbing the peaceful quietness.
She sighs looking up at the Earth.
The beautiful blue and green orb,
Captures her attention so much,
She doesn’t notice a man walk out,
And stand next to her.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He asks,
With his silky voice.
The scent of roses drifts to her.
Poor little Moon Princess,
Looks over at her visitor.
He smiles softly at her,
Taking her heart right away.
He offers her his hand,
she takes it.
Neither noticing the looks they’re given.
They dance the night away.
He takes her out to the balcony,
Where they first met.
They kiss and he gives her a red rose.
He has to leave.
He promises to come back..
Moon Princess believes him,
For he is the other half of soul.
No longer does she feel alone.
Moon Princess no longer alone,
Moon Princess of the Silver Moon.’ Singed Draco in his mind before he realized it.


Dearest Serena,
I’ve watched you from a far and yet you don’t know I’m there. Your beautiful green eyes are like shining emeralds that have captivated me to no end. Your smile can light up a whole just by you walking into it. I love every thing about. You seem like an angel when the sunlight hits your hair.
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Serena is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
Your secret Admire


“That’s a singing howler” said Hermione with a surprise look on her face.
“Singing howler?” asked Harry, Ron, Haruka and Serena with a puzzled look on their faces.
“A singing howler is similar to a regular howler except this one doesn’t scream at you it sings” said Hermione.
“Who do you think it’s from?” asked Ginny.
“It’s obviously from her secret admirer.” exclaimed Hotaru.
Serena carefully opened the singing howler and a deep smooth voice they never heard before spilled out. : Aragorn’s girl: They don’t know it’s Draco’s voice:
Draco: I just don't understand
Why you're running from a good man baby
Why you wanna turn your back on love
Why you've already given up
See I know you've been hurt before
But I swear I’ll give you so much more
I swear I’ll never let you down
Cause I swear it's you that I adore
And I can't help myself babe
Draco: Cause I think about you constantly
And my heart gets no rest over you
You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless (hopeless)
Cause I'm hopelessly in love
You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I’m the only one for you
What's wrong with being selfish?
Draco: I'll be taking up your time
Until the day I make you realize
That for your there could be no one else
I just gotta have you for myself
Baby I would take good care of you
No matter what it is you're going through
I'll be there for you when you're in need
Baby believe in me
Cause if love was a crime
Then punish me
I would die for you
Cause I don't want to live without you
Oh what can I do?
You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless (hopeless)
Cause I'm hopelessly in love
Draco: You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I’m the only one for you
Why do you keep us apart
Why won't you give up your heart
You know that we're meant to be together
Why do you push me away
All that I want is to give you love
Forever and ever and ever and ever
Draco: You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless (hopeless)
Because I'm hopelessly in love
You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I’m the only one for you
Selfishly I’m in love with you
Cause I’ve searched my soul
And know that it's you
Selfishly I’m in love with you
Cause I’ve searched my soul
And know that it's you
Selfishly I’m in love with you
Cause I’ve searched my soul
And know that it's you
To prove that I’m the only one for you
So what's wrong with being selfish, selfish, selfish
So what's wrong with being selfish
Right when the song finished the singing howler burst into flames leaving only its ashes.

4, canon character, crossover, dead/missing/abusive parent(s)

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