Captain Star Movies AKA “The Dark Snake” (
Profiles here)
Darkstar-DarkArchangel AKA
Darkstar4Canon: Dubbed anime
Rating: 4
Name: Jason Millennium Star, Michael Millennium Star, Damien Millennium Star, Zak Millennium Star, Terry Millennium Star, Alexander Millennium Star
Senshi Title: Captain Star, Titan Star, Astral Star, Sun Star, Pluto Star, Chrono Star
Jason: Blond
Michael: Green
Damien: Silver
Zak: Purple
Terry: Black
Alexander: Blue
Eyes: Not mentioned, but they probably have the same eye color.
Unusual Markings/Colorations: None
Senshi Outfit:
Jason: Navy blue armor with snow white wings
Michael: Grey metal armor that “make his physical power almost triple”
Damien: Brown armor
Zak: Yellow armor
Terry: Black armor
Alexander: Grey armor with a cape
Jason: The Star Sword, “a special weapon that is passed down generation to generation among the Family of Stars. It is said this weapon has a connection with the mythical blade Excalibur, crafted by the hands of Gods and designed to destroy evil with a single blow, but nobody is sure.” And a Silver Crystal clone called the Star Crystal. (“It hovered in the air, emanating a small warmth, the kind that would keep your heart sharp and feelings intact. It was a heavenly aura of another world that Serena believe even her Silver Crystal could not compare to.”)
Michael: Titan’s Hammer, a legendary weapon.
Damien: Orion’s Bow
Zak: The Sun’s Whip.
Terry: “Karan, the Universe's first and only computer AI with infinite memory.” There is also the Star Watch, a clone of Mercury’s visor, and the Blizzard Boomerang.
Alexander: The Time Staff.
Guardians: None, cats aren’t manly.
Origin: The identical sextuplet sons of the unnamed King and Queen of the Stars. (Yeah, I know. But you need the different hair colors to tell them apart.) Jason is the oldest. When they were 15, an evil force attacked their kingdom and destroyed it, killing their parents. Now they’re out for revenge.
Connections to Canon: Princess Serena’s cousins. (Their mother was Queen Serenity’s adopted sister.)
Michael: He seems to be heading toward a relationship with Lita.
Damien: Same thing, only with Mina.
Zak: See above, only with Rei.
Terry: Amy falls in love with him and, apparently, has sex with him.
Senshi Moves:
Star Blitz: A “barrage” of stars flys at the enemy.
Star Force Cannon: A “wide pressure, high powered blast that'll incinerate even the biggest of enemies.”
Slash of Fate: “A mythical strike that is said to be the calling card of Excalibur's wrath. No force of evil has been recorded as surviving one of these energy attacks, in which a slash of air becomes a wave of power to eliminate darkness.”
Neo Slash of Fate: A more powerful version of “Slash of Fate”.
Slash of Destiny: “With an ethereal "angel" mimicking the user's attack, a second wave of energy joins the first, and twirls its way towards the enemy, burying it forever inside it's own doom.”
Magna Slash of Destiny: “An attack that has only appeared in legends. In this, the ultimate onslaught of Light is created, as five "angels" wreak havoc on darkness with slashes of power that add a cumulative cutting action, resulting in a destruction fitting for those who wish to trifle with the forces of Light.”
Titan Asteroid Shot: “Using his two fingers to focus energy, Titan Star can literally fire an Asteroid at his enemies, leaving an empty hole in what used to be their bodies.”
Titan Meteor Slam: The enemy is crushed by a giant meteor. “The force behind this attack is so great, that Titan must hold his arm in order to aim it correctly”
Titan Thunderfist: He summons lightning from Jupiter and focus it toward the enemy with his right hand.
Titan Aqua Comet: “When Titan Star flies into the air, and aims at your feet with two fingers extended, bracing his own arm for impact, this is when you know you've done something wrong. This attack focuses the force of the sea into a ball of power that will drown the most powerful of enemies. This watery attack may seem to be the black sheep of Titan's arsenal, but it is by far one of his best.”
Titan’s Hammer: “With a smash of this hammer, Titan sends a wave of energy traveling across the ground in a straight bee line to the enemy. Whosoever steps in its path will seriously be wishing they knew how to fly.”
Astral Meteor Shower: “Summoning the refuse of the cold vacuum, Astral with smash his enemies with a barrage of high powered rocks.”
Astral Shooting Stars: Shooting stars fly at the enemy.
Astral Comet River: “With this attack, Astral Star literally takes a piece of the Asteroid Belt into his hands, and hurdles three, giant comets at his enemies.” More like a smidge of the Asteroid Belt.
Astral Star Prayer: “With the positive energy that surrounds him at all times, Astral Star can create a beam of energy that will rip through a dark heart.”
Orion’s Arrow: “When Astral commands Orion's Bow, he can unleash a screaming arrow that will pierce through evil, and leave it's mark on the Dark Forces that dare to oppose him.”
Sun Star Sunflash: “When invoked, this skill produces a blinding flash can stun almost any adversary.”
Sun Star Sunburst: Enemies are burnt using flames from the sun.
Sun Star Solar Flare: “Heat in large amounts is bad for the skin. Heat in this amount is enough to wipe out a small army! When this attack is used, Zak throws several compressed balls of fire towards his enemies, where they explode in a flurry of destruction.”
Sun Star Supernova: A large explosion like a supernova.
Flame Lash: He hits the enemy with the Sun’s Whip and sets them on fire.
Pluto Plasma Fist: “Pluto Star has the ability to focus plasma from his blood into a ball of energy, which he can fire at his enemies. The plasma that he fires, however, is often hot enough to melt through the most solid of metals.”
Pluto Freezing Mist: “Pluto Star unleashes a cold mist that will put frost on anything living.”
Pluto Ice Sword: “When these words are uttered, a divine blade made entirely of ice will fall into his hands, which he will then use to hurdle at his opponents, quickly chilling them out.”
Pluto Avalanche: A wave of ice and snow.
Boomerang Blizzard: “The frosty weapon separates into several clones, which knock the enemy into a supreme, chilly unconsciousness.”
Time Buster: “Time is always on Chrono Star's side, and with this attack, he can take all the time in the world to finish off his enemies, as it not only delivers a powerful blow, but also freezes them in their tracks.”
Time Slip: Using time, he can reverse or advance the age of the target. He can advance it far enough so that the target dies.
Time Freeze: What do you think it does?
Time Vortex: “Alexander sucks his enemy into the Time Well, a place where time does not pass. Here, the enemy shall remain for all existence, waiting for such a time as to when it can perish.” A few people might know how to escape this, but it’s only a rumor.
Time Laser: “When the numbers on a clock line up around you and form a target on your body, you know it's all over. Chrono Star focuses all his energy into a blast which will eradicate an enemy from existence.”
Other Special Abilities: Michelle cannot track them with the Aqua Mirror.
Jason: “If Star cannot finish off an enemy with his regular attacks, he will often fire off an immense blast of Star Energy through his specially perfected techniques to destroy his enemies for good.”
Michael: “This is an odd skill, but only Titan Star knows how to turn his body into a special Titanian alloy, which, for the most part, is indestructible. When Titan Star battles, prepare yourself for an onslaught of powerful, dead on accurate strikes of mayhem. Titan Star never misses a target (well, mostly), and when his attacks connect, they're by far the best things going.”
Damien: “Astral Star was taught the supreme art of Galactic magic, and uses it to befuddle and confuse his opponents. When all else fails, Astral Star will summon forces of space to do battle with his enemies.”
Terry: “Pluto's fascination with the world of Galactic science brought him powers at his disposal that no other person in his field could match. While he is extremely smart, he is also extremely handy to have around in a fight. Several years of patient research have granted him abilities beyond that which was originally given to him.”
Alexander: He is one of the people that guards the fabric of time.
Annoying Traits: They can take out enemies that aren’t affected by the scouts’ attacks in one hit.
Michael: “Titan Star is said to be the strongest physical warrior in existence, next to his brother, Captain Star.”
Comments: Don’t you dare call this a fic, it’s a god damn MOVIE! Look how epic it is! It’s so epic that it doesn’t need to start a new paragraph whenever a new person speaks! It’s so epic that it deserves to be called original fiction! (Probably a product of FF.net’s staff moving all of the accounts with original stuff over to FP.com.)
My eyes started to glaze over about halfway through this story (which ends abruptly). I can handle block paragraphs, but this is just too much.
Hopefully, the author grew out of this phase.
A second later, four of the hideous beasts burst into flames, and turned to ash. "Who..who was that!?" Sailor Moon cried out. It seemed the monsters were rather confused as well. Their eyes darted this way and that, searching for those that had killed their friends. "Yo, over here you ugly shits!" a voice. The monsters and the Sailor Scouts turned their eyes towards the roof of a building across the street. On the building were four men, dressed in the oddest of clothes, which vaguely resembled armor. "They all look exactly the same!" Sailor Jupiter gasped. "Well, minus the hair," Sailor Venus added. Suddenly, the creatures became frightened. The four men laughed, then turned serious. "Geez, would you look at those nasty buggers," the one with green hair said. "Picking on poor little girls. Tsk, tsk, tsk." "We just can't tolerate that," the one with purple hair snickered, shaking his head. "Who are these guys?" Sailor Mini Moon asked. The monsters didn't even think twice about abandoning the Sailor Scouts. They now focused all their attention on the newcomers. "Now's our chance!" Mars said. "Let's roast them!" "No! Wait!" Sailor Moon ordered. "I want to see how these four take care of them." "Who's up first?" the one with black hair asked. "How about you, Titan?" The one with green hair, 'Titan', nodded. "Well, since you asked so nicely..." Without warning, one of the hideous beasts jumped into the air, headed straight for Titan. "Piece of cake," he shrugged. He took his index and middle fingers and pointed them directly at the oncoming beast. Immense energy began to gather at the tips, and he smirked. "Chew on this!" he cried. "TITAN ASTEROID SHOT!!!" Suddenly, the energy was unleashed, and a mediocre sized asteroid actually fired towards the hapless monstrosity. It slammed right through it, and the creature burst into flames. "HOLY SHIT!!!" Sailor Mercury cried. "How'd he do that!?" [How can you run in heels? It’s a cartoon. Don’t question these things.] "You're the scientist," Sailor Venus said, "you figure it out." "That one was easy," 'Titan' said. "Okay Sun, you're up." 'Sun', the one with purple hair, stepped forward. Another one of the monstrosity's tried it's luck, dashing quickly towards him, ready to spray black acid all over him. "Too bad for you," 'Sun' laughed. "SUN STAR SUNFLASH!!!" And out of nowhere, a giant flash of light erupted. The creature screamed, and held it's eyes in pain. 'Sun' move with the same amount of speed that the creatures moved with, and quickly delivered a gut punch which went straight through the monster. It howled like a banshee, then burst into flames. "Two down," 'Titan' said. "Okay, I guess it's your turn, Pluto." "I'm ready," the one with black hair said. He didn't even wait. Yellow energy began to gather in his hands, and he smirked at the fear in the monsters' faces. "PLUTO PLASMA FIST!!!" Out from his hands flew twin blasts of heat which melted the nearest of the ugly beasts. 'Pluto' then returned to his formation. "One left," 'Titan' said. "He yours, Astral?" The one with the silver hair just nodded, and eyed the last one carefully. "What do you suppose he's gonna do?" Sailor Venus asked. 'Astral' raised one hand above his head, and held it there. "ASTRAL METEOR SHOWER!!!" His hand came down quickly, his eyes locked on the creature in a snicker of victory. But nothing happened. "Am I gonna be bored with this attack?" Sailor Moon asked. "Wait you guys, look up!" Sailor Mercury whimpered. All the Scouts looked up, and gasped. Heading straight for the unfortunate creature, were several meteors. They crashed into the ground without remorse, ripping the hideous being apart. It was too much for the Scouts to watch, so they covered their eyes. When it was over, they soon realized that there was no damage to the street at all. The four men jumped down from the roof, and eyed the Sailor Scouts with interest. The Sailor Scouts ran over to them with smiles on their faces. When they reached them, Sailor Moon held out her hand. "Hey, thanks for the save," she said. "My name's Sailor..." But she couldn't finish, because 'Titan' slapped her hand away. All the Sailor Scouts gasped, and Rini growled. "Hey, that's really rude!" she scolded. "Enough of this," 'Titan' sighed. "What do you say we do with them?" "Well, they are kinda cute," 'Pluto' snickered. "But they know we're here," 'Astral' said. "And we do have orders on what to do if that happens..." 'Titan' sighed. "I hate it when you're right." He turned to the Scouts. "Sorry ladies, but orders are orders." "What's he talking about?" Sailor Mars said. Suddenly, the black haired man threw a yellow ball of energy at Sailor Moon and Sailor Mini Moon, sending them flying through the glass of a jewelry store's window. "SAILOR MOON!!!" the Scouts cried. "That's way out of line!" Sailor Jupiter yelled. "Let's take 'em down!" Sailor Mars snarled. Pluto touched the side of his head, where there was an odd piece of metal attached. From it, a tiny, one-eyed scanner appeared. It flashed several odd symbols and equations whenever its vision rested on one of the remaining Scouts.
"Ah, forget this!" Titan said, aiming again. "ENOUGH!!!" a voice boomed from the air. "Star!" the four men said in unison, backing away slightly. And from out of nowhere, a man in navy blue armor exactly like the other fours', appeared. "Am I seeing things!?" Sailor Pluto gasped. "Or does he have wings!?" "Well at least you're not blind," the man said. He looked at the mess that was created by the thrashing of the Sailor Scouts. "Ah come on, Titan, they're just girls." "Hey, you told us that if anybody discovered us that..." Titan started. "Never mind," the man sighed. "Let's just go." "Hold it right there!" Sailor Uranus yelled, pointing the Space Sword at him. "Just who do you think you are!?" "I am Captain Star," the man replied. "And you are wasting my time." "Listen here you!" Sailor Uranus growled. "What makes you think you and your men can hurt my friends like this. I won't allow it!" "Then by all means," Captain Star said, "attack me." "Fine then, since you asked so nicely," Sailor Uranus said. "SPACE SWORD...BLASTER!!!" A swipe of the Space Sword sent a wave of energy flying at the mysterious Captain Star. But instead of blocking, his simple moved a little to the side, dodging it. "Huh!?" Sailor Uranus gasped. "Nice try," Captain Star chuckled. "But even if it had hit me, it wouldn't have done you any good. Next time, don't even bother attacking if you can't hurt me. Come on boys, let's go." And with that, Captain Star and his company disappeared. "Are you hurt, Amarah!?" Sailor Neptune asked. "Only my pride, Michelle," Sailor Uranus sighed. "I know of something that could fix that," Sailor Neptune giggled. "Uh, ladies?" Sailor Pluto interrupted them. "I believe our main job at the moment is helping Sailor Moon and the others." Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus sweatdropped. "Oh yeah..." they replied. Sailor Pluto groaned.
The Star Team's base was situated in a place that not one Sailor Scout would have ever considered searching for it: a hidden basement in the Game Corner. [Do you mean Game Center Crown? The same place that Luna goes to get information from that arcade machine?] Truly, it was probably the most ingenious decision made by the Star Team on this planet. Who would look for someone of their caliber underneath an arcade? The atmosphere in the base was dreary, and filled with sorrow. This was mainly due to the to the fact that each member of the Sailor Scouts was sad, and angry with themselves for Rini's kidnapping. The Star Team was also a tad bit on the angered side, but not one of them was trying to show it. Serena sat on a rather large black sofa, crying softly. She had been the most devastated since the incident nearly an hour ago. Since then, she had failed to speak a single word to anyone of her friends. This bothered the others, but they knew they shouldn't say, or do, anything about it. It would be disrespectful, and every person there had grown beyond that. In the room now were Amy, Rei, Mina, Lita, Amarah, Michelle, Trista, Darien, Elias, Michael, Damien, Zak, Terry, and not to mention Serena. Everyone in the room was waiting for the exact same thing: Star's next decision. "I don't get it!" Rei hollered. "Why are we waiting for HIM to make our decision! We already know what we're doing!" "Please, calm down!" Terry asked calmly. "What do you think you can accomplish without Star, eh? Do you know where Viper's base is?" Rei instantly stopped. She had learned a long time ago that fighting when you knew you were wrong wouldn't get you anywhere. She simply sighed, and took a seat on a nearby chair. "I still don't get it," Amy protested. "Why do we have to wait for Star?" Damien sighed. "Because he may not want to rescue her." Serena burst from the couch and grabbed Damien by his collar. The whole room was shocked out of their wits, and the look of pure anger on Serena's face was also adding to that. "What do you mean!?" she hissed at him. "I mean," Damien replied as calmly, "Star may chose not to rescue the kid." Serena looked as if she were going to tear his head off. None of the Sailor Scouts were going to interject; they knew that when Serena was angry, she was capable of crazy things. Everyone was torn between helping Damien and staying intact. No one was willing to stand up to Serena at this moment. But it was Elias who was the bravest of them all. He simply stepped up to Serena, put his hand on her shoulder. She instantly let go of Damien, and turned to him. "Fighting with them is not going to help bring Rini back..." Elias sniffed. Serena could see the hurt in Elias's eyes. Sometimes she forgot things about this boy, like how much he loved Rini. Or how he happened to be Helios's younger brother. Serena's thoughts traveled back to their grueling battle with Queen Nehelenia. That had been a sickening battle, and it had nearly cost Serena everything she cared for. In the end, though, they had managed to save Helios and prevent Nehelenia from conquering the Earth. At the time, Rini had fallen in love with the boy from Elysium. However, his job prevented him from ever seeing her again, and that left them both heartbroken. A little while later, though, Helios had decided to send Elias to Earth to keep watch over Rini. If she could hold Pegasus in her dreams, then what else would the evil ones be after her for? But, after only a week of being together, the two fell in love. It made her smile whenever she saw them together. It reminded her of her relationship with Darien. "I'm....sorry Elias...." she said. "Okay, enough of this depressing shit," Michael said. "I do NOT want to go there right now." "None of us do," Darien replied. "But the point is, until Jason steps out of that room and tells us his decision, we're all going to be edgy." As if on cue, the door to the very room Darien had referred to clicked open. From the shadowy interior came Jason, as if he had been fighting some sort of demon. His eyes were bleary, like he might have been crying, but more as if he hadn't gotten sleep in the past few days. He looked at everyone in the room, a deep sigh coming from his chest. He walked to the center, his eyes closed, as if he were in deep thought. "I've made my decision," he said calmly. "We're going after her." The Sailor Scouts and their partners let out deep sighs of relief. Jason opened his eyes and smiled. "The way I see it," he said, "we can rescue your daughter and get even with Viper in the same swing." "The old 'Two Birds With One Stone', eh?" Michael chuckled. "Isn't that a bit cliché?" "It might be," Terry replied, "but the way I see it, it's our only option." "Terry's right," Jason said. "I've lost enough of my family to Viper's hands already. I'm not about to lose more." Serena's eyes let out a single tear as she happily hugged Elias. She was glad that Star had decided to help them. She was even happier that he was doing it as a member of the family. "Well, what are we blubbering about!?" Lita asked. "Let's go storm Viper's Fortress!" "We'd have to know where it is first to do that," Zak replied. Lita sweatdropped, then sighed. "Why didn't someone say that before I made an idiot out of myself?" "Forget it," Michael reassured her. Serena looked worried. "If we don't know where it is, how can we save Rini before time runs out?" "I believe that requires my services," a rather feminine voice said. Everyone turned to the far right wall. Part of the wall folded out, and formed a desk with a computer on it. The computer was an indescribable sight to behold. It was metallic black, shining with a look of pure perfection. It's screen flared up, showing a rather complex desktop, and a small window with an oscilloscope inside it. "Well hello there," the computer spoke. As it did, the line of the oscilloscope wavered, showing the sound waves of the machine's voice. "You must be Karan," Amy said. "The one and only," the computer replied. Amy walked up to the futuristic machine. She now noticed that next to the computer itself, was a tiny shard of a crystal floating inside a clear box. It radiated a calm, white glow, and emitted a low hum, like the tower of a regular computer. "What you're looking at there," Terry said, moving towards her, "is a shard of the Star Crystal. It's more powerful and can hold more information than all the computers in the Universe put together." "You mean..." Amy's voice trailed off. "That's right," Terry smiled. "This baby is a scientist's greatest dream. Unlimited memory, and unlimited potential. There's almost nothing Karan doesn't know, and if she doesn't, she can simply find out." "You flatter me, Terry," Karan giggled. The Crystal Shard glowed a faint red, as if she were blushing. "How is it that Karan will be able to help us?" Darien asked. "It's simple," Damien replied. "She analyzes something we retrieved from Viper during the battle, and she can pinpoint the exact location of Viper's Fortress."