Summer Haze (PG-13)

Nov 08, 2011 07:07

Title: Summer Haze
Author: magic_knickers
Prompt: Scorpius is invited to the Weasley vacation/holiday house for a short summer stay. Thing is, it's somewhere in the Muggle world.
Summary: This would be the summer that Scorpius finally got the girl. Well, he hoped it would be.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: underage drinking/smoking, language
Word Count: (if applicable) 1885
A/N: This came out a little more “teen romance” then I’d intended, but, well. I think it worked out. Thank you to my beta, soraya786 for giving this some much needed help.

“What is that?” Scorpius asked when he got a good look at the monstrosity before him. Albus chuckled, his eyes crinkling up at the corners. They were in a nameless Muggle town in the west of England, which explained why the entire Potter-Weasley clan had been forced to drive-dear Merlin, Scorpius never wanted to be in a car again-the entire way from Godric's Hollow, the starting rendezvous point for this little “adventure.” That did not explain what the hideous block of brick and wood in front of him was for. This certainly couldn't be where they were planning to stay for three weeks -

“It's Mum and Dad's holiday home,” Rose answered from the front seat, cocking a dark eyebrow. Scorpius chose to remain silent after that, not wanting to insult anybody. It had been hard enough convincing them that he wasn't his father, and he would rather not have a repeat of that event.

“I know it looks bad,” Albus murmured, low enough that Mrs. Weasley and Rose couldn't hear him from the front seat, “but it's quite nice on the inside.” Scorpius tried to believe him as the car pulled up, jostling everybody when it went over a bump in the road. Hugo elbowed Albus; he in turn fell onto Scorpius, who was left pressed rather unattractively up against the glass. Mr. Weasley looked unimpressed when he saw this display, but he opened the door for Scorpius to tumble out of nonetheless. Albus fell out right after him, landing on Scorpius before he could roll out of the way.

“Oof,” was all Scorpius could manage to say as the wind rushed out of him. It took Albus much too long to finally climb off him, and it took Scorpius even longer to get his bearings. Much to his chagrin, he could hear Rose, Hugo, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley laughing at him. Shooting the dirtiest look he could muster at Albus, Scorpius stood up and dusted off his Muggle shorts-which Albus had forced him to wear-with about as much grace as he could in the present situation.

The laughter eventually died down enough for Scorpius to stop blushing, and it stopped altogether when James came running out of the house, Lily and their parents behind him.

“It took you long enough,” James greeted, lightly shoving Rose. She rolled her eyes.

“You know Mum,” she muttered in response, dark eyes darting to her mother, who was having a hushed discussion with her husband a few feet away.

Scorpius’ eyes met Rose's, and she smiled at him. It was a full minute before he could properly walk again.


“Albus,”Scorpius moaned, “why have you done this to me?” Malfoys did not share things, especially not bunk-beds.

“I call top,”he answered, laughing at his own words. Scorpius gave him a dirty look.

“You know, bottom as in bottom-” Scorpius cut him off before he could finish.

“I can indeed understand sexual innuendo, Potter.”

“Oh, it's Potter now, is it?” Scorpius made a rude hand gesture before flopping down on the bottom bunk, wincing when the mattress sank severely under his weight.

When Albus had invited Scorpius to stay with his family over the summer holidays, Scorpius had been expecting a modest Wizarding home somewhere in Ireland. Maybe France. His yes had been immediate. He would get away from his parents' coddling and spend a few months with Rose Weasley, who Scorpius had been infatuated with since he'd seen her on the train to Hogwarts back when he'd been thirteen. Now, at seventeen, he was no closer to winning her over.

While the house and location was sorely lacking in Scorpius's opinion, he did still have Rose living with him for the entirety of this trip. Lying back on the bed, an uninhibited smile came to his face.

This would be the summer he got the girl.


“I want Rose,”Lorcan murmured, touching the cigarette to his lips and inhaling deeply. Albus had dragged Scorpius out to see the Scamanders, who rather conveniently lived only a mile from Rose's place, their tall, spindly house flush with the shoreline. Lysander, Lorcan, Albus, and Scorpius were strolling down the beach, a bottle of Firewhiskey shared between them.

Albus guffawed loudly, giving Lorcan a good-natured shove.

“If you can catch her, you're welcome to keep her,” he said, grinning. “Good luck.”

Scorpius thought he'd puke, right then and there. His head swam disconcertingly, vision swirling for a moment before clearing.

“All right there, Malfoy?” Lorcan asked, raising a pale eyebrow. Lysander gave Scorpius an inquisitive look, his eyes too much like his mother's.

“Fine,” he answered, managing a small smile through the lingering nausea, “Perfect, actually.”

He still had a chance with Rose, right? She liked him well enough. And, after all, Scorpius was the one living with her.

Right, he thought, unconvinced.

A pair of Muggle girls walked passed them, both dark-haired and doe-eyed. One of them-who was curly-haired and with lips like fire-blew a kiss at Lysander, whose blush was clear even in the fading light of dusk.

“If you don't want her, I'll take her,” Albus told him when Lysander made no move towards the girl.

In the end, both went, taking the half-empty bottle with them. Lorcan and Scorpius were left alone with the last remaining fag. Before Lorcan could ask for it-Scorpius was the lucky one who got to carry everything like some sort of pack mule-Scorpius pulled the thing out, lighting it with the tip of his finger. Wandless magic was a hereditary gift, and he thanked Merlin that his mother's genes had been strong enough to pass that, at least, down to him. Otherwise, he was the spitting image of his father, gifted with silvery colouring, a nasty temper, and a knack for the Dark Arts.

“So,” Scorpius began, unable to help himself, “you fancy Rosie, then?”

“I guess I do,” Lorcan answered, smiling wickedly. “She's a wildcat, that one.” An image of the other boy running his fingers through Rose's dark, mahogany curls as he kissed her rose up in Scorpius's mind, and he tried not to punch Lorcan in the face.

“Yeah,”Scorpius managed instead, forcefully running a hand through his shoulder-length hair. Lorcan's was considerably shorter, barely brushing his collar in the back and curling at the tops of his ears. Scorpius ran a hand through his hair again, this time self-consciously. Maybe he would cut it short, more like Lorcan's and less like his father's. Malfoy men almost always grew their hair out-it was a sign that they were purebloods, not that anybody would ever think differently.

No, no, Al told me she liked long hair, Scorpius assured himself, shakily exhaling a cloud of smoke.

“I hear you've got a bit of a thing for Lily, eh?” Lorcan's pale eyes were glazed with too much alcohol, stifling the thought that he'd made that up to keep the conversation going. Somebody as sloshed as Lorcan wouldn't be in his right mind enough to be forcing polite conversation. Scorpius wondered where the rumour had started, since he definitely did not fancy Lily Luna Potter.

“No, not really.”Scorpius shrugged half-heartedly. Lorcan shrugged back.

They settled down on the sand behind the Scamanders’ house, the sun finally sinking below the horizon.

“And now we wait,” Lorcan said, leaning back against the ground, eyelids shutting for what looked like a nap.

“And now we wait,” Scorpius mumbled to himself, crushing the stub that was left of the fag against the ground, relishing in the crumbling of it underneath his fingers.

As the minutes ticked by and the night deepened into unrestricted blackness, Scorpius wondered if he shouldn't just go back to the Weasleys' already. It was starting to feel like Albus and Lysander were on a night-long adventure. Scorpius couldn't say that he didn't envy them-Rose with her lips on his, Rose in her underwear, Rose in his bed.

He shook himself.

Thoughts like those wouldn’t get him anywhere.


“Scorpius,” Rose whispered in his ear, her breath tickling his cheek. He sighed happily, a smile coming to his face.

“Scorpius,”she said again, and it was much less sexy-actually, it sounded quite deep for Rose’s soft, lilting-

“Oi! Scorpius! Get the hell up!” He could hear Lorcan and Lysander cackling now, and he opened his eyes to slits. Albus was kneeling over him in the sand, the light of the rising sun faint behind him, marking a pink line at the horizon.

“What time is it?” Scorpius mumbled, quickly shaking the last vestiges of sleep off. Had he really fallen asleep on a public beach? Merlin, he hoped his father never found-

“Dawn. Take a guess at the hour,” Albus answered, interrupting Scorpius’s thoughts again. It was getting rather annoying, really. He stood up, making sure to brush the sand off his bum and out of his hair.

“I hope to Merlin that the Weasleys aren’t early risers,” Scorpius grumbled, following the pack down the beach. The last vestiges of sleep clung stubbornly to him, making him stumble often, though his hung-over companions weren’t doing much better.

The Scamanders trailed off after a half-mile or so, heading back to their house, and Albus and Scorpius continued in silence, making it to the back door of the vacation house just as the sun began washing everything in an almost-yellow tint. The door creaked slightly, and both boys froze halfway inside the house, eyes wide and hands shaking. When nothing stirred, they tiptoed up the stairs, bare feet whispering against the carpeted floors.

Almost without meaning to, Scorpius turned his head in the direction of Rose’s room, as if subconsciously looking for her, and ended up smacking right into a wall.

“Ugh,” he groaned, falling backwards onto the floor. The edges of his vision were quickly growing fuzzy.

“Oh, gods,” Albus mumbled, rushing over. The low whine of a door opening signalled Rose’s arrival onto the scene. Scorpius watched through half-lidded eyes as she ran over and fell to the floor beside him, a concerned look on her beautiful face.

“Scorpius,< i>Merlin, you’re bleeding,” she whispered, pulling up the edge of her pyjama top to dab at the center of his pain-a throbbing mass on his left temple.

“You’re so pretty, Rose,” he murmured dazedly, watching her freckled nose crinkle and her chocolate-dark eyes flit over his face. She blushed crimson, an embarrassed sort of smile tugging at her lips.

“You think so?” she asked, still trying to wipe blood from his face. With her top up like that, he could see several inches of her exposed stomach.

“Yeah,”Scorpius answered, “I do.”

Before he could really comprehend what had just happened, she leaned over and kissed him, her lips softer and sweeter than Scorpius could have even imagined. Everything else seemed to fade away-the feeling of her mouth on his the only thing that mattered in the world. Her hand moved up to tangle in his hair. Scorpius moaned low in his throat, so pleased it hurt.

“I’m leaving,” Albus muttered, practically running away. Scorpius brought up a hand to brush against Rose’s cheek.

“I’m not,” she told him. Then she leaned over and kissed him again.

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Poll Summer Haze

author:magic_knickers, round four, fic, rating:pg-13

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