
Oct 19, 2011 06:46

Title: Introductions
Author: ladielazarus
Prompt: 022. She's a lovely person. She deserves a good husband. Marry her before she finds one. -Harpo Marx
Summary: Rose has to meet Scorpius's grandparents.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: (if applicable) ~2291

Scorpius Malfoy was not prone to fits of nervousness. The son and heir to, possibly, the oldest family in the Pureblood Wizarding world had no reason to be nervous, after all. His parents and grandparents made no secret of his infallibility, and of the high hopes that rested upon it. They were all entirely convinced that he could do no wrong and that he was the strongest, handsomest, and most clever boy in existence.

With all of that in his mind, it simply wouldn't have occurred to him to be self-conscious or nervous about anything. If anything, the doting typically led over-confidence on Scorpius's part.

Not today, though.

He looked into the mirror and fixed his hair for what felt like the thousandth time. He couldn't stand the way it was sticking up on the right-hand side. He was certain that it was noticable from space.

Still, he'd done everything he could with it, and it was just going to have to do. He straightened his collar, and adjusted the cuffs of his shirt. It was time to get it over with.

He had barely entered the study when the door opened on the other side of the room. An elf entered the room, preceding what Scorpius remained convinced was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

Rose was wearing blue. He loved her in blue. Of course, he's pretty sure he'd have loved her in burlap, but blue was especially fantastic with her eyes.

She was biting her lip, and he could tell that she was just as nervous as he was, if not worse. His heart went out to her. After all, some truly horrific things could be said about Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, and he was sure she'd heard them all, given her father's penchant for discrediting Scorpius's family whenever the occasion arose. The poor thing had to be terrified.

"Rose." He smiled as much as he could and crossed the room to hug her. She returned the gesture, hugging him to her uncharacteristically tightly, and he realized that he wasn't going to be able to let her know how nervous he was if they were going to survive.

After what seemed like forever, she pulled back and smiled weakly.


"Hello, darling." He smiled at her again and leaned down to kiss her.
Kissing Rose, he had discovered early in their relationship, was a good way to sooth her nerves before Quidditch matches and big exams. He hoped that it would have a similar effect in this case.

She responded as enthusiastically as ever, and it only took a few moments for him to forget the primary function of initiating the kiss. However, they both broke apart, flushing, at the sound of throat clearing from the door of the study.

"Sorry to interrupt." Scorpius's father was standing at the door looking apologetic. He really was sorry. He liked Rose. She was clever and pretty and she made Scorpius happy. He'd be mad to say that he didn't wish that she was anyone else's daughter, but apart from that, he was delighted with his son's choice.

"Not at all, Father." Scorpius shrugged. "Are they here?"

"Not quite yet, but we expect them any minute. Could you two please come into the drawing room with your mother and I? I think that a quick drink might be in order before they arrive."

"Oh, Merlin, yes." Rose nodded, and Draco had to stop himself from chuckling outright. He understood exactly how the girl must feel, and he hoped that his parents could keep themselves under control for the evening. After all, Rose's grandparents had gone out of their way to be kind to Scorpius and he wanted to be able to offer the same in return.

"Well, since Rose appears to be in agreement, I suppose we will, yes." Scorpius did chuckle, and Draco joined in, then.

They all went into the study where Astoria, Draco's wife, was standing by the window with her arms crossed, her eyes alert and searching for any sign of her impending in-laws. Astoria liked Draco's parents, and was well-liked by them, in return, but there was always that sense of working for their approval, and she worried and stressed herself over every little detail when they visited the Estate. Scorpius generally found it hilarious, but couldn't summon the energy to be anything but sympathetic on this particular occasion.

"Darling?" Draco asked, offering a glass of brandy in his wife's direction. She started slightly and turned from the window.

"Oh, thank you, yes." She saw Scorpius and Rose and smiled widely. "Oh, hello, Rose. You look so lovely."

"Hello, Mrs. Malfoy. Thank you."

"You always look so lovely. You mustn't worry, dear. They really are terribly nice."

"Yes," Draco remarked dryly, handing Rose and Scorpius similar glasses, "they only bite when cornered or startled."

"Draco, for heaven's sake." Astoria rolled her eyes, and shook her head. Her delicate, dark ringlets swinging with the motion. "Don't scare the girl. Merlin knows your mother is capable of that much on her own."

"Mother's right, Father." Scorpius slid a comforting arm around Rose's waist and she leaned into it. "Please don't frighten her."

"Her is right here." Rose snorted. "I'll be fine. I reckon I've lived through worse. I got through N.E.W.T.s, after all."

Draco laughed.

"What a fitting comparison."

Astoria started again, as if responding to some invisible stimuli.

"They're here." She put her glass down on the tray that an elf had appeared with. The others did the same and the elf disappeared as quickly as she'd appeared. Rose was fairly certain her name was Liddie, but she couldn't be sure. Scorpius's parents had so many, after all.

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy entered the drawing room with all of the pomp and circumstance that one would expect from them. The elves scurried to shut the door behind them.

"Hello, Draco, darling." Narcissa descended on her only son with the same enthusiasm to which all the Malfoys had become accustomed. He allowed her to kiss him on the cheek, despite the unnecessarily demonstrative affection of the gesture, and smiled at her warmly.

"Hello, Mother. Father." He nodded in his father's direction and received the same gesture in return.

At that point, attention returned to Scorpius and the pretty red-haired girl standing next to him. He saw her visibly straighten out of the corner of his eye, and he stepped forward, despite the pounding of his heart in his ears, and cleared his throat politely.

"Hello, Grandmother. You're looking wonderful."

"You are so sweet, precious." Narcissa practically glowed at her grandson's recognition. She was well-known for her exaggerated appreciation for her son, but her grandson was next in line for her extreme affection. He tolerated it well. After all, it was all he knew.

"Hello, Scorpius." Lucius spoke next, his smooth voice seemed, to Rose, like a rain of nails. It was not entirely unpleasant to hear, but laced with a sharpness that could be potentially fatal if one stepped out of cover too long.

"Grandfather. You're looking well, too, of course."

"Naturally." Lucius smiled. "But, all pales in comparison to your grandmother, I'm afraid."

"Any day now, he'll stop that ridiculousness." Narcissa protested, as expected, but with a tone that suggested that he had better not do any such thing if he wanted to live.

"Of course." Scorpius agreed. "Grandfather, Grandmother, may I introduce Rose Weasley."

Had Rose had months, possibly years, to prepare for having the full scrutiny of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy turned upon her, she still couldn't have been at all ready for the way it felt. It was the single most nerve-wracking moment of her nineteen years.

Still, somehow, she summoned enough of Godric Gryffindor's vaunted courage to speak.

"Hello. It's so nice to meet you both. Scorpius has told me so much about you."

"Likewise." Lucius spoke first, in response. He swept forward to bow slightly and kiss her hand in the appropriate introductory fashion. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, my dear."

"Yes." Narcissa agreed enthusiastically. "I have to say that it's marvelous to see that the Malfoy penchant for beauty has held out for, at least, one more generation."

Rose blushed deeply. Scorpius knew that she was uncomfortable with physical compliments, but had never fully understood why.

He had to hand it to his grandparents. If they were disappointed with his taking up with a Half-blood, who was Weasley to boot, they were hiding it spectacularly. Still, he had no doubt that they'd have words for him after Rose left for the evening.

That being said, dinner proceeded without incident. The food was, as always, marvellous, and conversation moved along briskly, as usual.

Rose outdid herself in keeping up with the verbal repartee that was standard fare for any Malfoy family occasion, and Scorpius was exceptionally proud of her. She never faltered for a response and was charming and witty. He thought to himself, as they were finishing dessert, that he couldn't have possibly asked for a better evening.

"Do you think it went all right?" Rose asked in hushed tones as Scorpius walked her to the fireplace that his family used for floo travel.

"I think it was splendid." Scorpius kissed her quickly, and she flushed.

"Are you sure?"

"Darling, I'm sure that they loved you." He shrugged. "And if not, I love you and I don't care what they think."

She kissed him, that time, turning to head for the floo.

"Yes you do, but I appreciate the thought, anyway. I love you, too, obviously."

"Of course. I'll owl you the moment that they leave."

"Please do."

And with that, she was gone and Scorpius hurried back to the drawing room, anxious to avoid any insinuations about what was taking him so long. He didn't want to subject Rose to any undue scrutiny tonight.

His grandparents remained for approximately two more hours. Maddeningly enough, they refrained from commenting on Rose altogether. They, instead, spoke on every other subject imaginable while port was passed around and Scorpius got what was, by this point, a much needed drink.

They discussed the latest balls and parties, operettas that were opening, and assorted rumors that could not have interested Scorpius less. He was growing more and more irritable with their continued presence, and wasn't sorry when they stood and made their way to the door.

(Lucius and Narcissa did not use the Floo. It tended to lead to undignified arrivals, and that simply wouldn't do.)

Once they were gone, Scorpius sagged in visible relief against the back of the divan. Draco, coming back into the room, refilled his son's glass without a word and Scorpius smiled gratefully in response.

"So," Astoria had perched herself on an armchair delicately and was now smiling at them both, "I thought that went rather well, all things considered."

"Yes." Draco agreed, reclining back onto an antique fainting couch, but removing his feet at his wife's reproachful glare.

"It seemed to. I just can't help but worry that they're waiting to attack."

"Oh, probably." Draco nodded, closing his eyes. "Rest assured, we're not out of the woods, by any means. However, I feel confident stating that Rose is more than equipped to handle whatever they can dish out."

"She really can." Scorpius smiled. Rose was, after all, incredible.

"She'll be fine, darling." Astoria joined in, rising to come and join her son on the settee. She patted his hand comfortingly. "And you know that we adore her. She's a lovely person."

"She is."

"And we think that she deserves the very best husband." Draco added, and Scorpius flushed slightly. The subject of his marriage had never been formally broached, but he had hoped that it was becoming more and more obvious that his intentions toward Rose were growing more permanent in nature. Apparently, it was.

"She absolutely does." He smirked, slightly. This conversation was going in a very good direction.

"To that end, I suggest you marry her before she finds him."

Scorpius choked on his next sip. His mother patted him helpfully on the back.
"Thank you, Mother. Father, are you proposing what I think you are?"

"I believe that I'm proposing that you ought to be the one.... proposing." Draco arched an eyebrow. "Unless, of course, you hadn't intended any such thing."

"Of course I had!" Scorpius sat up straight. "What do you think I'm doing introducing her to Grandmother and Grandfather without any intention of--"

"Calm down, darling." Astoria stroked fingers through his pale, blonde hair. "Your father didn't mean anything by it. Of course we know that your intentions are more than honourable. We just wanted you to know that we approve."

"You do?"

"I'll take you to the vaults in the morning, if you like." Draco shrugged. "You can select any ring that you want."

"In that case," Scorpius stood, gently dislodging his Mother's hand, "I believe I shall go to bed. We have an early day ahead of us."

"Quite so." Draco didn't even open his eyes. "Good night, Scorpius."

"Good night, Father." Scorpius bent to kiss his mother's cheek. "Good night, Mother."

"Good night, love."

Scorpius practically bounded out of the drawing room and to his bed chambers. He didn't have any idea how he was going to keep his excitement out of the owl he promised Rose that he'd write, but he was going to have to.

After all, a lot was riding on it.

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round four, author:ladielazarus, fic, rating:pg

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