Week Four in Review

Aug 17, 2010 04:54

Posting for Round Three of the Scorpius/Rose Fic-a-Fest has ended but in a few hours, there will be a nomination post for the awards. So we're not quite done just yet!

Previous weeks in review: Week One, Week Two, and Week Three.

Sunday, August 8th: Never (PG-13 / 2,700 words) "What makes you think I'm unhappy? You worry too much, Scorpius."

Monday, August 9th: Expectation: More Than A Four Syllable Word (R / 2,240 words) Rose can't help her feelings for Scorpius, despite what her family expects.

Tuesday, August 10th: We Were Strangers But Now We Are Changed (PG-13 / 2,394 words) In their last night at Hogwarts, Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy part as friends, considering themselves stranger while the truth lies somewhere in between. When they meet again, 5 years later, how will they act towards each other? Will they be able to start over or they will continue to hold grudges?

Wednesday, August 11th: Defiance (PG-13 / 8,053 words) Rose's rash actions force Scorpius to come to terms with her, his father, and himself.

Thursday, August 12th: Turnabout is Fair Play (R / 3,693) A surprise move forces Rose and Scorpius together, bringing up old regrets while potentially opening the door for something new.

Friday, August 13th Not As Originally Planned (R / 14,000 words) Rose's life is not turning out the way she planned it. Neither is Scorpius'. Can they find happiness together?

Saturday, August 14th Diner Man (PG / 5,000) She’s too overdressed for this side of town, that’s the very first thing Scorpius thinks when he sees her.

Sunday, August 15th Starry Eyed (PG-13 / Art) Next thing, we're touching, you look at me it's like you hit me with lightning.

week in review, round three

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