"Questions" - A Gift for mandyloo

Jul 26, 2010 07:59

Title: Questions
Author: princessgilly
Gift For: Mandyloo
Summary: little bit of Rose and Scorpius through their younger years.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,466
Lyrics/Quotes Used:I was inspired by both:
-Look at the stars, look how they shine for you ("Yellow", by Coldplay)
-Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me (theme song to 'Firefly')
A/N: Hope you like it! (I love that firefly quote)

‘Why did the hat put you in Ravenclaw?’ she whispered, completely ignoring the lesson being conducted at the front of the old classroom. Like most first years she had figured out in the first two minutes of class that History of Magic was going to be an incredibly boring class. He ignored her. It wasn’t just that he was sick of the snide questions and comments from other students, and irritated by the little spurt of pleasure he’d felt when she’d sat next to him. It was also, just a tiny bit, that despite Professor Binns being a dead bore, history was important, and he was trying to take notes.

‘Why did the hat put you in Ravenclaw?’ she asked again, elbowing him to make sure he got the message. She had sharp, pointy elbows.

‘Because I like books,’ he said shortly, turning away. For some reason she took this as the start of a conversation.

‘Well he said he put me in Hufflepuff because I’m very loyal to my family and friends, and that’s an important Hufflepuff trait. But I like books too.’ She smiled at him, a cheerful first year smile, which was impossible not to respond to. He ran away the minute class finished wondering what on earth Rose Weasley was playing at.

She sat next to him in every class they had together, bugging him with questions. Confusing him with friendliness. Eventually he accepted she wasn’t playing games with him, or trying to humiliate him, like every other student seemed bent in doing but that, for some insane reason, she was actually interested in talking to him. They didn’t talk much outside of class, she was busy making friends with nearly every person in the entire school, and he was busy studying hard like a normal Ravenclaw kid, and avoiding people like a normal Malfoy kid. But she smiled at him, and never minded stopping to say hi. He liked to think she smiled especially for him, even though he knew she smiled especially for everyone. The small friendly consistent contact was the reason, when returning to Platform 9 ¾ at the end of the school year, Scorpius could honestly answer yes when his mother asked if he’d enjoyed his first year at Hogwarts.


‘Why are you sitting by yourself?’

‘Because.’ He snapped out of habit, regretting it the moment he said it. She put him on edge sometimes. He wasn’t quite used to her new habit of popping up in his hiding places just to chat. He was in the library, curled up reading in a corner when she plopped down next to him, all brimming with bubbly, irritating, cheerfulness.

‘That’s not an answer. Can I sit with you? You won’t mind? I don’t like sitting by myself - even when I’m reading. I love reading, but I like it better with other people. Then you can talk about it together. It’s so much nicer than sitting all alone. What are you reading?’

He stared at her for a long moment, wondering how she managed to get words out that fast. He showed her the cover, not really paying attention. He was still sore from the comments he’d received in his common room. A Malfoy reading a muggle novel? Who are you trying to impress? Remembering, he scowled.

‘You’re reading Hound of the Baskervilles?’ Her mouth opened in a little ‘O’, and suddenly, he’s mesmerised by the little furrow that appeared in her brow as she processed. Then she grinned widely.

‘You surprise me, Scorp.’

It was the first time anyone outside of his immediate family had attempted to shorten his name.

He forgot all about the morning in the common room.

He decided he liked surprising her.

He sat with her a lunch one day, drawing out her special smile. To his own surprise, people didn’t comment much. Her friends just made space, and continued their own conversations. Before that day meals were just a way to get food as quickly as possible, and something he avoided if possible. After, he decided to always come to lunch, even if it was just to watch how much she enjoying it herself.

Later, when he was walking down to the greenhouses several Weasley and Potter cousins ambushed him.

‘We just want a chat.’ James Potter said, not sounding particularly friendly. Scorpius was terrified. When he’d started at Hogwarts his dad had warned him that the Potter/Weasley clan would be cruel to him, and to avoid them at all costs. So far he’d thought his dad was mistaken.

‘We saw you having a nice conversation with our Rosie,’ a tall girl spoke first. Scorpius was unsure who she was, exactly, but she looked like a Weasley despite the blonde hair.

‘Rosie is a friendly girl. Likes to chat with pretty much everyone,’ Albus Potter added, he was in Scorpius’ Herbology class, and he assumed, the reason they’d known where to ambush him, ‘We just want to make sure you understand.’

‘Rosie has a lot of people who care a lot about her,’ James interrupted, ‘So if you ever hurt her.’

‘We will kill you.’ This last statement was made by Fred Weasley; a towering seventh year Scorpius had no problem believing.

‘Is that clear?’ Scorpius nodded, and stared as they turned and walked off, transforming from menacing into ordinary students, having a good time, laughing and teasing each other across the lawn and as they headed up the stairs.

‘You look like you just got wacked with a frypan.’ Albus commented. Scorpius looked at him, in confusion, then walked into the greenhouse, taking his usual seat next to an unhappy Ravenclaw roommate. He wasn’t sure how much of that had been about Rose, and how much had been about him, Scorpius Malfoy. Still he was very, very careful not to do anything the Weasleys might see as hurting Rosie for the remainder of the year.


‘Why don’t you have any friends other than me?’ she asked him one weekend. They were at the Three Broomsticks, enjoying a butterbeer. He was still a little unsure why she decided to sit with him, while various groups of her friends were creating a racket at other tables.

‘Since when are we friends?’ he asked, nettled.

‘Since first year. What are you, daft?’ She shoved his shoulder, laughing.

‘Oh.’ He couldn't help the smile that appears. And for the first time in a while he couldn't think of a good answer to her question. Friends. He'd never had a friend before, and while he'd wondered...he'd hoped, Rose and he had developed a relationship of sorts, he'd been to scared to label it friendship in case it wasn't.

After that open declaration of friendship, Rose seemed to pop up even more than usual.

He’d always spent a lot of time in the library; it was a nice escape from his common room. The other students didn’t bother him anymore, they all seemed to accept he wasn’t his father, but they still didn’t exactly trust him. At least no one complained about being his roommate or having to partner with him in class. He tried really hard to stay out of their way as much as possible; sometimes he even thought he understood them. If it were the other way around he wouldn’t want to be friends with the ex-deatheaters son anyway. Maybe if he’d been more like Rose, things would have turned out differently. He was pondering how different life could have been for him if he was outgoing, friendly and actually enjoyed most people’s company. He couldn’t quite wrap his mind around it, when she interrupted, as usual.

‘Why on earth do you like studying so much?’ she asked, glancing down at the pile of textbooks and notes he appeared absorbed in.

‘I like learning. I think knowledge is important.’

‘You sound like my mother. She says stuff like that all the time to Dad and me. We thought she’d be super mad about my grades.’

‘You get good grades.’

‘I get okay grades. So maybe I was a bit worried but she was great about it. Said I was learning more important things and so long as I was still trying. You know what she meant by more important things? I had no clue so I asked Dad and he said, making friends, relating to people. They are the most important skills you can have in life.'

There was a pause.

‘Maybe you should try it. You’re a smartie pants. Try improving your social skills instead of stressing over OWLs.’

He glared at her, ‘OWLs are very important.’

‘They’re also a whole year away.’ She smiled mischievously, ‘you should have some fun.’ She jumped up, ‘come on!’ she held out her hand and he sighed. He couldn’t quite manage to say no. One look at his awed face as she showed him the kitchens made her decide they needed adventures. He never said no. Her adventures became the highlight of his week. Every week was different, sometimes they'd stop off at the kitchen, and spend time with the house elves 'to practice making friends'. Sometimes she'd take him to see Hagrid, who still scared him, but was admittedly very nice to Rose. When it was a Hogsmeade weekend, they'd spend the day exploring the village. Scorpius saw the village in a whole new light. Every now and then he'd catch one of her cousins, watching, just to make sure. He wondered what her family thought of their friendship or what ever it was. He knew his father wouldn't be too pleased.


‘Why didn’t you tell me you could fly like that?’ He flew down to the pitch, where she’d called out.

‘Want a ride?’ he wasn't sure what made him ask, but was glad he did when she climbed on behind him, warmth pressing into his back, her arms tight around his waist.

‘So why aren’t you on the team?’ she asked with only a very small shriek as he shot up.

‘For as long as I can remember my dad has paid trainers to train me. Every summer it was quidditch camp, all through the year absolute obsession that I would be the best. I’m a natural flyer. Not a quidditch player.’ She made a small, sympathetic sound.

‘I don’t care. I love flying; I hate balls flying at me. My dad’s disappointed, but the reason he wanted me to be so good was to beat your family - and since I get better grades than you and Potter put together, he’s kind of over it.’ He couldn’t quite keep the bitter out of his voice. She put her chin on his shoulder, she could only just reach, ‘it’s beautiful out here at night.’ She said, in his ear. He smiled.

‘Hold on tight.’ They’d been going fast before, but now he threw in a few sharp dives and turns enjoying the sound of her shrieks. When he finally pulled down on the grass, and they tumbled off the broom, red cheeked and eyes shining he had all but forgotten about his father.

They both sprawled on the grass, staring up at the stars. They lay there in silence for an eternity, incredibly close yet impossibly far away. The sky was an inky black, with millions of brightly shining lights twinkling down at them. To Scorpius they seemed to shine abnormally brightly, to shine especially for them.

That summer he admitted he missed her. His parents noticed, wondered but never asked, just what it was that had him moping about the house like a normal teenage boy, instead of in his room reading or escaping outside to fly. He knew they wondered, but never even considered talking to them. Then Rose wrote to him and everything was sunny again, he went about the house beaming, hung out with the house elf in the kitchen, and even kissed his mother before going out to meet ‘a friend.’ His parents were bewildered.

‘I’ve never had a friend before - They wanted to ask. But they didn’t.’ he laughed, as he rose in the air.

‘Why didn’t you just tell them?’ Rose wanted to know, pushing up with her feet and sending him back to the ground. They were on the seesaw at a children’s playground - it was deserted, the ominous grey clouds deterring parents in the area.

‘It’s not how it works in my family. I tell them my grades not how I feel.’

‘But they’re your parents, they must know some things about you’

‘They know I don’t like people much - I assume they’ve figured out why. They know I like flying but they have no idea why. They like me being quite and reserved - it fits their image of repentant and all that.’ He sighed, his stomach flopped as Rose dropped to the ground, something sad and encouraging in her eyes, ‘ it’s not that they aren’t, well Dad - Mum never did anything wrong. It’s just, they’re very selfish, self-absorbed people. My Dad likes to be in control, and my Mum likes having someone to defer to, so it works for the two of them. I think, maybe they even have a good relationship, they’ve just never been sure what to do with the third wheel.’

She went over and put her arms around him. He was glad she didn’t speak. He wasn’t sure he could answer without losing that small bit of control he had left. Something about Rose meant he wanted to explain to her why he was they way he was. He wanted her to understand and tell him it was okay and wasn’t his fault. The hug didn’t last long, neither of them was able to keep balance, and they landed in a pile on the pine bark. Scorpius, aware of some very non-friendship feelings in his gut, got to his feet quickly. Rose seemed unperturbed and the rest of their day continued as per usual.

Rose had always asked him questions, constantly, irritatingly, adorably. Scorpius’ hands were sweaty, his heart racing. Today it was his turn. Today he would ask the question. . She was sitting, head bent over a letter, her hair falling in her eyes She had ink smeared on her cheek, he knew came from her habit of chewing on the quill end. To Scorpius she was the most beautiful sight. Since he’d realised the direction his feelings were heading, he’d fallen headlong into it with abandonment. Obsessing, blushing, daydream and doing nothing but wonder. Today though, today he would ask her. Gulping, he drew himself up and marched over to her. She looked up, her eyes curious, and, Scorpius though perhaps, hopeful. He took a deep breath.

“Rose Weasley. Will you go out with me?”

author:princessgilly, fic, rating:pg, round three

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