May 19, 2008 00:04
Two of my gerbils died this week and one had a stroke. One gerbil, Star, had an autoimmune disease so I kinda knew that was coming, the other Eap, was very unexpected I'm praying that it was a heart attack and not Tyzzers disease, but just incase it is Tyzzer i'm treating them all. Squirt was the one that had the stroke, he's still alive but its difficult for him. He cant keep his balance and is always falling over. He's losing weight but he's eating that concerns me.
Now to the good news:
I'm going to be an aunt!!!!!!!!! To bad they are all the way in NY but I'm gonna spoil that child as much as i can.
I started school, so far I think I'm doing ok I am worried though because I just got out of the hospital after a month stay and I had ECT which messes with your memory. I think the ECT worked with my depression however I think I am one of those who could get addicted to it. Most of my memory has come back, I'm still missing about a months worth of time somewhere. I just hope it doesnt mess with school.
I love my new place. I live with a 50 something guy who owns a motorcycle shop, which sounds like it would be creapy but its actually not bad.
must sleep now