Originally posted by
filkertom at
Lena Dunham and the Crazy RightI'm just lifting this verbatim from David Waldman's
dKos Radio post of the day, because WUT.Oh. My. God.
Yesterday, the FBI arrested a NYPD cop for conspiring to kidnap, cook & eat a woman.
But by the end of the day, conservatives had identified the sign of the coming Apocalypse, and it wasn't this.
It was this:
They live among us, people.
By yesterday evening, Erik Erickson had declared we were living in a fallen, depraved world, destined for the fire.
You should totally trust this team of wacked-out end timers with the nuclear codes, America.
Personally, I love the ad. Funny, smart, and if you can't figure out where it's going in the first ten seconds, you likely deserve to have a fainting couch.
But -- perhaps especially -- since this is an official Obama campaign ad, apparently some folks are getting bent out of shape. The YouTube comments alone are... fascinating.
I was going to idly speculate on what the problem could possibly be, until I remembered that they're afraid of sex, too, and women's sexuality in particular.
Me? I never metaphor I didn't like.
This entry was originally posted at
http://filkertom.dreamwidth.org/1572085.html. You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.