Jul 02, 2009 18:06
Ahh, it's been a funny few weeks. I had finished my exams for the year, had my prom, left school officially, went to a few parties and worked on my tan. All of these things went swimmingly. :D I've also been rekindling my love for Star Trek thanks to the awesomeness of the new film, which is now one of my favourites.
Some questions;
1. Anyone seen Public Enemies? I'm not too keen on Johnny Depp but is it worth seeing?
2. Any short sci-fi series that are worth a watch and available to watch online or are on TV alot? lol Most specific question ever.
2. Comic reccs? I currently read Uncanny Xmen, Secret Six, Captain America and Batman and Robin every month as well as buying lots of one shots and odd issues to fill the time.
Thanks guys.
star trek