Light A Cigarette, Suck It In....

Aug 21, 2012 00:26

This is a tad surreal for me. I used to post on here religiously about 7 years ago. A friend reminded me that it even existed, and I found my old page. Needless to say, all of those got deleted. Heh. Writing has always been therapeutic to me, and I haven't done any writing in an extremely long I thought I might try it again, see how it goes. Not that I ever really write anything of substance, just random thoughts or lyrics or whatev. But still, it helps to clear the madness that is my mind.

And now I'm sitting here, tapping my keyboard, like hmm...what can I write that people will want to read? But I, I know...if I just write for myself, it'll come out. I could give a shit what people think of it. I hate everybody, anyway. :)

Oh make my life better.

Please don't make me cry, please don't make me cry. I'm just like you, I know you know. I'm just like you, so leave me alone.

God...I'm having total deja vu right now. It's a little strange. I guess I'm just talking to myself until I actually hit the "post" button, huh? I'll probably rewrite this shit 15 times before then. Haha.

I'm caught in a trap of my own, like everybody I know. - I miss you.

I don't think I'm up to writing anything "good" tonight. I keep getting distracted, which is easy, haha.

So I guess for the first part of my second go round of live random thoughts will have to suffice. :)

An example of me getting distracted...I've been writing this entry for approximately 1 hour...and I have like 5 sentences. Baha.

Closing thought....sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell. :D
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