Jan 28, 2007 18:05
So I can't get into my myspace right now and it is really the only reason I come to the internet at all. I'm a myspace junkie. So it has to let me go EVERYWHERE else on the web but MY home page. I can go look at my page, but I can't log in and read my messages. I feel locked out and I want to throw this piece of shit computer out a fucking window. I hate technology. It never works right. Why do wehave to be so stupid we can't even make a piece of crap that actually does what it is supposed to. I have 17 minutes before the tiem is up on this computer and then I will move to the one next to me in hopes it is less crappy. Blah. Fuck myspace. assholes. It sucks sitting here being all frustrated cause I have to be quiet when really I just want to scream and yell and throw things. I wonder if anyone else in here feels that way. I bet at least 2 other people do. I hate the library.