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List 5 reasons you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.
Reason One: Patty gets me hooked on manga like... MARMALADE BOY!!! and milk crown. trashy romances, as she calls them. @_@ But it's justified because I used to write soap opera style stories but then I became more sophisticated =D I send those old stories to Patty =D
Reason Two: I pretend I'm my own characters a lot. I'm obsessive about the stories I write X[ And I shamelessly send people to read it, too. In fact:
x Reason Three: I dance like crazy and randomly break out into chinese dance/ballet moves at school in the hallways. PH33R MY MAD SKILLZ!!!!
Reason Four: I don't have a cell phone. Enough said.
Reason Five: I actually listen to small feet and do these kinds of quizzes x_x
aznheartwings (for reason one)
no more lj friends T_T