Hallo! To represent my Dutch-ness, I'm posting a lil' songfic of a Dutch song! This song is one of my favorite Dutch songs, because personally, I hate Dutch music. xD Some original Dutch music:
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=pxcLbbIav9M It's gross! Ewww.. Anyhoe, I picked this amazingly beautiful song by Abel AND translated it for you guys. (: Please listen to the whole song while or before reading. Here's the song:
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=-WNo6YdN8u0 And here's my songfic:
Ik doe de deur dicht
(I close the door)
You kicked me out. I told you you were a bad boyfriend. And you snapped.
Straten lijken te huilen
(Streets seem to cry)
Just like me.
Wolken lijken te vluchten
(Clouds seem to flee)
Just like me.
Ik stap de bus in
(I step into the bus)
Mensen lijken te kijken
(People seem to look)
Never seen a crying man before?
Maar ik wil ze ontwijken
(But I want to avoid them)
Voordat ze mij zien
(Before they see me)
As fast as possible, I sit down in the back of the bus. I wish I were invisible.
Het is allang verleden tijd
(It's a long time ago)
Dat je mijn verjaardag niet vergat
(That you didn't forget my birthday)
Because you did the previous two times.
Je onvoorwaardelijk koos voor mij
(You'd choose me unconditionally)
You used to only want me. Not her.
Ik zie de velden
(I see the fields)
Langs mij heen gaan huizen
(Houses are passing by)
Het is stil achter de ruiten
(It's silent behind the windows)
But happy people are living there, they are so lucky.
Wie kan mij zien
(Who can see me)
No one. Not even him.
In blauw verlichte treinen
(In blue lit trains)
Je hart is zo dicht bij me
(Your heart is so close to me)
It is, because I treasure it forever.
Maar het klopt niet
(But it's not right)
It's NOT right. I should not love you anymore.
Het is allang verleden tijd
(It's a long time ago)
It's been forever.
Je zwarte haren en je lach
(Your black hair and your smile)
You never smile when I'm around.
Dat je heel de wereld voor mij was
(That you were the whole world to me)
Tou meant everything to me. I've never loved someone this much in my life.
Het zit nog veel te diep in mij
(It's still far too deep inside me)
I can't just kick you out of my heart, like you kicked me out of our home.
Dat ik mocht delen wat jij had
(That I got to share what you had)
You had a lot. And I shared too much of you. With too many people.
Je door m'n haren ging en zei:
(You went through my hair and said:)
"Je kent mijn stem niet
(You don't know my voice)
Now I know what you meant by that.
Wie ik ben is wat je nu ziet
(Who I am is what you see now)
Because back then, you were my angel. But you turned out to be a devil.
Wil je dansen met illusies, in gedachte"
(Do you want to dance with illusions, in your mind)
I just wish you were the same person, even if it wasn't the real you.
Ben je verder dan het heden
(Are you beyond the present)
You're already planning a life with her, like yoy've already forgotten about me.
Wil je terug naar je verleden
(Do you want to go back to your past)
I bet you don't.
Zegt je dat iets
(Does that sound familiar)
Het is allang verleden tijd
(It's a long time ago)
Rode wijn op het terras
(Red wine on the terrace)
It was the best summer I ever had.
Dat je heel de wereld voor mij was
(That you were the whole world to me)
We were one. We were true to each other.
Het zit nog veel te diep in mij
(It's still far too deep inside me)
I can not just forget about that. As much as I want to.
Maar ik vergat hoe jij me zag
(But I forgot how you saw me)
You saw me as a toy. Some random person to spent your lonely hours with.
Dat ik zo anders ben dan jij
(That I'm so different from you)
Because I wanted real love. I felt real love. You were, and still are, my one and only.
Ik loop de straat in
(I walk into the street)
The sign saying 'MOTEL' flickering blue neon in the dark.
Maar het zal me nooit verwarmen
(But it will never comfort me)
This will never be like home. There's one home for me. You.
Omdat het mij niet kan omarmen
(Because it can't embrace me)
It can't hold me like you did.
Wie zou mij zien
(Who would see me)
No one. Because that's exactly what I am. A no one.
Het liefst zou ik willen schreeuwen
(I would want to scream so badly)
Scream my lungs out!
Ik zou oneindig willen schreeuwen
(I would want to scream endlessly)
Scream until soneone calls the police, and I get thrown in jail.
Maar het gaat niet
(But I can't)
No sound is leaving my mouth.
Jij bent niet alleen van mij
(You don't only belong to me)
You belong to her now. And there's nothing I can do about it.
'K kan de wereld laten zien
(I can show the world)
Dat het zo beter is misschien
(It might be better this way)
I guess it is. I don't want to be with someone I can't trust.
Het is allang verleden tijd
(It's a long time ago)
Such a very, very long time ago.
Dat ik vergat hoe jij me zag
(That I forgot how you saw me)
Like me. The loser, the loner that I am.
Dat ik zo anders ben dan jij
(That I'm so different from you)
Thanks so much for reading (and listening) !! :D
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