Growing and Growing (:

Dec 14, 2011 20:30

    I joined this community sometime around June or July. I remember how lucky I was to find a drawing or video of Ianthony, and when  there were entries in the community once every two days. Back when there were around 40 or 50 members. Now, holy firetruckz! There's at LEAST an entry a day, waayy over 100 members, endless amazing drawings and videos...does anyone else ove watcing this grow? There's monthly challenges with real prizes now, and a fan fic. collection book in the making! More and more people are discovering us and "coming out of the shadows" lately, it's awesome! Look up "smosh slash" on Google, all the top results are LIVEJOURNAL entries. (: Our boys have even made it known that they've read "all" the fan fictions from the Ianthony Tumblr!  Nyeh! Idk, I just enjoy sitting back and watching this little LJ community, this group of fan girls/boys brought together by two beautiful boys, grow and prosper. It's awesomesauceeee.
  Buuuut, when getting popular, there comes....DUN DUN DUN...HATERS!! That's right, and they're well on their way. Hatercomments are already popping up on fan videos. Pretty soon, haters will be commenting on stories and trashing us often. Just do NOT worry about them. Don't give them the time of day. Just delete or disregard what they say. This community should be all for peace and taking the high road(:

Soo yeah. Just felt like saying that. Oh and to Orangefriday, I'm behind on everything, and haven't submitted my story yet! i'll send it in VERYYY soon, I'm sorrryyy. KTHXBAI.
Just kidding. LOVE YOU ALL. Bai bai! <333 
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