Halloween Kiss (Monthly Challenge~First Kiss)

Oct 03, 2011 21:25

Title: Halloween Kiss
Rating: PG/PG13(A few swears)
Disclaimer: I own Smosh, this is all true, every character is real and breathing, and every event here has happened. OH WAIT, JK!! :/
Summary: Well, that was a bit surprising to Anthony! Didn't change how it felt, though/
A/N: Yeah, this is kind of, well, crappy. It's not as awesome as I'd like it, and I haven't finished the comic it goes with, but hopefully you'll like it! :D Oh, and I know it's October, but I'm posting it anyways 'cuz I'm awesome. :PP

(The brightest, most sparkling blue eyes ever...)

"Ian! Come check this out," Anthony called from down the hall. I saved the Ask Charlie I was working on and got up stretching, going out to see what he
wanted. I found him on the living room couch, smiling down at some book. I raised an eyebrow as I came over and plopped down next to him.
    "What'cha looking at?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder, seeing pictures of little kids.
    "I found our middle school yearbook the other day and decided to check it out. Some of this crap's hilarious! Like your haircut," he said, chuckling. I rolled
 my eyes as he handed me the book. Flipping through page by page, I smiled at all the memories of our school years. Old freinds, teachers, and memories came back
to mind from the pictures.
    "This is awesome!" I said, finishing sixth grade pictures and looking at seventh. I laughed at Anthony's dorky picture; he laughed harder at mine. We both
laughed at other kids' pictures. Flipping to a page with class party pictures, my eyes scanned the page, stopping at one. I silently cursed the slight blush already heating
my face.
    "Oh, dude, our seventh grade Halloween party! Now that made some good memories," he said, smiling down at the picture of our class all dressed up in
costume. Yeah, good memories. For him, maybe. Well, maybe for me, too, but I still wish nothing had happened that day. It changed so much about me; nothing about him, of course.
He smirked and said, "That was the day I got my first kiss, wasn't it?"  I tried to nod nonchalantly, looking down at the book and trying to keep the blush unnoticeable. 
    "Yeah, I think so. Who was it with, again?" out of the corner of my eyes, I saw his eyebrows pull together in thought.
    "Huh, I think it was...I don't really remember,"
    I did remember, completely. I didn't want to look stupid, though. Who remembers a kiss that happened years ago so perfectly? I'd look kind of pathetic
if it looked like it meant that much to me. She was a 12 year old, after all. Still, I definitely remembered that party clearly...
    A vampire, that's what I'd gone as. A pretty bad ass one, if you ask me. For a 12 year old, anyways. It probably actually sucked(no pun intended), but in my seventh grade
class, it was the costume to make everyone else jealous. A few of my old friends even came up to tell me it was a cool costume; that's how it all started. Cameron
McLaughlin and Jake Scheaffer, today a mummy and Frankenstein. Their costumes were pretty good; almost as good as mine, psh.
    "Hey, Anthony. Sick costume, man," Jake had told me. Cameron had nodded, unable to talk through his gauze wrapped face.
    "Thanks, dude. Hey, you seem pretty excited about something," I had said after taking out my fangs.
    Cameron pulled his wrapping down far enough to say, "Jake just kissed Katie!" and nudged Jake, who was giggling and blushing. He nodded, smiling
like he'd just won the Nobel peace prize or something. I hadn't had my first kiss yet, which I was pretty embarrassed about; my mom didn't even let me have a girlfriend;
I would by then if she'd let me. I stuttered out an answer, trying to act like it wasn't a big deal. "Oh, uh, that's cool, man. Um, congrats,"
    "You okay, dude?" Jake said, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, feeling blush creeping up my neck.
    Cameron punched my shoulder. "He's just jealous 'cuz he's never kissed a girl!" I could feel my face heating up.
    Trying to defend myself, I lied, "What? No! I've, I've kissed tons of girls. I could kiss anyone I wanted too," Cameron rolled his eyes, Jake smirked and
crossed his arms. When you're 12, that means shit's about to go down.
    "Yeah? Prove it! I dare you to kiss someone in class," I swore at him silently(well, I was a kid, so crap face was a swear back then) and debated on whether
I should do it. Seeing the looks on their faces made up my mind. I could do it, right? I knew a few girls who liked me, so all I had to do was go up and kiss them.
I looked around, and saw someone near the windows; who had come as a pink ghost again? Kayla Nozzel, right. She asked me out before; she totally liked me.
    I kept telling myself in my head that I could do it. I looked at Jake and narrowed my eyes. "Hold my fangs," I said dropping the plastic teeth in his hand and
marching across the room. I walked up to Kayla and tapped her shoulder. When big, gorgeous blue eyes looked up at me through small eye holes, I froze. I couldn't
do it; how the hell was I supposed to know what to do? What if I did it wrong? What if I missed her mouth? I'd look like such a loser. I heard giggling behind my back,
knowing it was Jake and Cameron. Screw it, I had to man up and do it. Kayla opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, I put my hand under her chin,
gently closed her mouth and crashed my lips against hers, leaning down to her short height. Butterflies formed in my stomach and electricity jolted between our lips. I
 pulled back after a moment, feeling deep blush on my cheeks, and looked into the sparkling blue eyes, searching for a reaction. I saw shock; her eyes couldn't be any
wider. I couldn't tell what else she was feeling though. Did I do it right? Did she like it? Did she feel that spark?
    Before I could say anything, Cameron yanked on my arm, pulling me away from her. We walked back over to Jake, who was smiling through a dropped
jaw. "You actually did it! Nice, man!" Jake said, fist bumping me. Cameron patted my back. I shrugged and acted like it wasn't a big deal.
    It totally was, though. Sitting there, staring at the picture, remembering perfectly the feeling of that kiss, I still knew that it was anything other than 'not a big
deal'. Sparks flew and my heart started hammering and didn't stop through the whole party. Kayla didn't bring it up; neither did I. All that time, I'd known that Kayla was the one
for me, but I never got the courage to go up and talk to her about it. Staring at the picture in Ian's lap, I replayed the memory over and over.
    "Ant? You okay? You've been sitting there for like, five minutes," I shook my head, coming back to reality, and looked up at Ian, seeing confusion on his face.
    "Oh, uh, I was just trying to remember her name. It was Kayla, Kayla Nozzel," I raised an eyebrow, noticing a troubled expression cross Ian's face, his bright
blue eyes darkening.
    "Oh, right. Kayla..." He avoided my gaze, looking down at the yearbook and picking at the page corners. Was he blushing?
    I turned my head to one side, wondering what was up, but continued talking. "Yeah...Gawd, Kayla; I swore that day that we were meant to be. I wonder if she felt the same
way about that kiss..." I smiled before saying, "Those eyes were the brightest, most sparkling blue eyes ever," Ian looked up at me and chuckled. "What?" I said, raising an
eyebrow. Ian pursed his lips, then looked back down at the book, flipping to the page with everyone's close up photos.
    "Ant..." he said, smiling but hesitant, "Kayla had brown eyes," He held the yearbook up to me, pointing to her picture. Sure enough, she had big, dark brown
eyes like mine. I took the book, narrowing my eyes. There was no denying it; the person I kissed wasn't Kayla Nozzel. If there's one thing I remember about that kiss,
it's the brightest, most sparkling blue eyes ever.
    "Wait, I'm confused. The only two people that were dressed like pink ghosts that day were Kayla and..." I stopped mid-sentence, pulling my eyebrows together.
That couldn't be right...
    Ian muttered quietly after a moment, "It's not my fault my mom put a red shirt in the wash with my costume," I looked up at his blushing face,
and saw the brightest, most sparkling blue eyes ever.

smosh, cute, mhm, uhh yeah.., halloween, ianthony, first, monthly, younger, challenge, kiss

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