Hey Everyone

Mar 09, 2008 04:42

Hey everyone
this has been a bad time for me and my family i wont go into alot of detail but my husband about died he started having seizures for the first time in his life and seeing someone you love about die is the most scary thing in life our hospitals here could not do anything so they had to transport him to virginia tech and god brought him back to me and i am so thankful and now we just take one day at a time and try to do everything we can to get him better and stronger.
i have not updated in so long but wanted to touch base with everyone and let you all know and to ask that you keep us in your prayers it is still along road to travel but we are making it with alot of prayers and help.
i hope this update finds each of you in good health and your life is going good always remember that i hope it does not take something drastic to make you look or ask god to help you he is the only one when you think that you are alone dont even think that .
But one thing have faith and he will meet your needs and provide the answers
to all of you take care your health is most important, stay well and take care until i post again
god bless each of you
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