Oct 29, 2006 19:56
I've recently been impaled by a chute of inspiration, so allow me to make this brief declaration in which the complication and mindless societal masturbation will be addressed, redressed, transgressed and progressed to the point of fact calling us to act based on something more than emotion, near to devotion and far from explosion. This is a call to action, not some simple faction inquiring, inspiring or conspiring reaction from the masses, upper, lower and middle classes doing just enough to save our sorry asses. Rather. This is life wherein lie lies and cries for something more than the bullshit we manufacture and is less than satisfactory. Jump up on your feet and fall to the street where you may meet some one who has never known sweet. Walk in those shoes and you'll find that you lose nothing more than the carelessness heartlessness and unfairness that we project in this project we claim is still sane while somewhere close no one knows how long their shoes will last to warm their toes. And, in conclusion this seclusion and scarce illusion incurs an allusion to you and yours when all the wherefores and therefores become cast in glass just waiting to shatter until some one discovers that they really matter. That they matter too. And here's the hook you will find in no book that has been so overlooked, that inspired young Bowie to inquire "Is there life on Mars?" In this time of unrest I have but one request for an answer. "Is there life?"