major prayer request

Jul 25, 2009 00:51

I'm completely in shock right now. An 11-year old girl from my church--the oldest daughter of some friends of mine from Bible study--died this afternoon in a boating accident. It happened around 4:30, when we got notified around 7 they were still looking for her, about an hour after a bunch of us got together to pray we got notified that the search was now being called a recovery instead of a rescue, and when I left ten minutes ago, they still hadn't found her. My heart is completely breaking for them. Ashley was one of the sweetest girls ever--always had a huge smile on her face and a completely giving spirit, especially towards the other kids in the group. And she was one of the kids there that I'd been closer to. I was actually supposed to teach her how to sew using patterns--she had a little sewing machine and her mom quilts so she was able to learn some basics, but she wanted to learn to make clothes too. We'd talked about it so many times, but we were never able to make it work between her school and my work schedules. It kills me to know now that it'll never happen--I'd really been looking forward to having that opportunity. Just please, pray for this family if you think of it. Especially her dad and her 8-year old brother--the three of them had been out crabbing on a boat the family just got (a longtime dream of theirs), and she fell off the bow without a lifejacket when a wake from a tugboat rocked the boat hard. The dad killed the engine and jumped in after her right away but wasn't able to find her, and her brother witnessed the whole thing.
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