Oct 29, 2007 17:20
My favorite time of the year is late October/early November, because I love the change of seasons. November is my birthday month. Tons of new games come out in preparation for the holiday season.
However, it seems every year, my mood gets kinda pissy, too. I can't tell if it's just my mindset reacting to the approach of cold weather. Either way, I'm really pissed becuase of wallyball right now. One of the dudes I play with (good friend of mine) has been bitching that people have been getting too aggressive at the net. People are overplaying the ball, hitting things they shouldn't because it's too far over, etc. Shit, it's the way we've ALWAYS played. Either way, today a ball was set around the net, and I went up rather tentatively, because I don't want him to get pissed that I was touching a ball that was there for him, etc. Long story short, he goes up for the hardcore double handed slam and practically bends my shoulder blade in two. Yes, it was at the net. But I'm so worried that I'm "breaking a rule" that I'm not even playing the ball. Get kicked in the ballsac, too, since his legs always fly under the net.
Now, I don't know what to do. Do I just quit going up at all and let people have free shots. Do I go up with both hands, and risk breaking my ankles since he's throwing his legs under me? I don't know. Either way, I know the fun is taken away because I'm always worried about crossing his imaginary boundaries, that only seem to apply when his team doesn't get a point. If I could go on to strict exercise, getting rid of the game, I would. But I enjoy it too much.
Now, I feel like I'm in that "fuck off" state of mind. You know, like this is the start of the third "pretty shitty" week in a row. The Halloween party was about as I expected, happy to see some, not so happy to see others. It's the RiteAid people, so those who've kept up with my journal over the past couple of years know how I feel about one of D's co-workers. I still feel about the same. I don't think it will ever change. Even after meeting dude's girlfriend (who was VERY nice, mind you), I still don't trust anything about the guy. You know, you just meet someone, and you know that they don't respect you or anything you've got going on. That's how I feel about this fucking guy. I know D can't just tell him not to come around at all because really, I've found nothing that he's ever done or said that truly backs my gut feelings. However, my gut is right 98.2% of the time. I think that this is NOT one of the other 1.8%.
Some good news. Carpeting on November 15th and 16th. That's awesome.
Now, back to being pissed.