Oct 05, 2004 19:23
of course im going to post about the incubus concert. yes, it was amazing. didnt compare much to when me and my girlfriend janet used to see them in wilmington back in the enjoy days, but it was fun because i havent seen them in so long. it was alot better than the atlanta show. of course, nothing will beat the time they were at the colloseium in charlotte. ive never felt so close to so many people at one time. it was just a crowd of bonding, you could tell the band felt it too. we sweated together, sang together, and shared the best night of our lives together. you just can't beat a show like that man, you just cant. too bad phantom planet had to waste our fucking time by playing their shit. but they were good live, i guess.
ok enough memories.
im disappointed that janet couldn't go. we didnt get to look at each other and make our brandon faces and saw "aww" over little mikey. i must say, ben did a great job, i was proud. damnit janet, damnit.
i have a horrible case of pcs. you know, post concert syndrome. you don't know? oh, it's when you go to a great show of a band you love and the next day you can't listen to them without getting really depressed and knowing you won't see them again for a while. sometimes it takes like a month to get over, i hate this. im sure that doesn't happen to those hXc people like jeff and eli. which, btw, i hope you have fun at that concert on thursday. jeff has been a really great guy lately, woot for janet.
fuck, i know it was worth it.
BEER HUNT! tee hee hee, ash and liz.
btw, i dont think most of you understood the significance of that drum solo, no matter what you say.
ok, ive got a york peppermint patty here so im going to eat it and finish talking to these people online.