...is the reason why I don't play a lot of games.
See, sometimes I get the urge to reread my awful, awful Pokémon fanfiction from when I was thirteen. When I do this, I remember playing the game that inspired a lot of the details. Then I get in the mood to play it, and when I don't find my copy of the Silver version, I go to my father, who promptly informs me that I need to get Soul Silver and play that instead as it's a much better game. Then I do that and suddenly all of my free time slips into the ether because HEEEEE TOGEPI IS SO CUTE N'AWWWW
*ahem* So that basically leaves me with little time/motivation to write, specifically Sims writing. And that in a nutshell is why I refuse to get Dragon Age even though I'm sure it's a completely awesome game. I will never update again. Depend on it.
Next week I'm going to curb the nostalgia tour because I want to get back to working on the next two Apoc updates and some other writing as well, but this week I'm indulging because it's the last week of a production of The Sound of Music I've been helping out with since January and it is so stressful, I can't even begin to list the ways. Mind-numbing challenges and battles? BRING IT. <3