A little present for you all

Nov 18, 2010 17:11

On the subject of being interested in my game again...

Over the weekend, I played Riku's last year of college. He was the only member of generation 5 still at uni and I figured playing him would be fairly low-key and help me ease back into normal play.

Now, as background for picspam, I feel the need to tell you what I've decided about housing this generation:

Fitzhugh (main house) - Harry/Mya, Elle, Saxon and unborn second spawnlet
Doran - Jon/Suzy, Azula/Dominic, Grey and at least one more kid
Bohemian - Billy/Snow, Riku (dunno if he's getting married at this point), any kids
Holm - Lex/Rhi, Mikey/Elphaba, Idina, Kristin
Pitts - Bella/Andrew, Callie/Larch, Laney, Felicity, Gregory, adopted third kid for Larch's LTW
Morgan - Gordon/Sydney, Barbara/Trent, Kahlen, any kids
Austen - Cid/Anne, Kirby/Aaron, any kids
Vetinari - Jaeger/Megan, Robin/Stephan, Nightingale
Warner - Edie/Yakko, Shaw Bigfoot, Phil (though spring), any kids
Party house - Woody, Phil (summer onward)

Which gives me eleven houses (not much more than the six I had last generation and infinitely better than the THIRTEEN I had before I decided to let Azula live with Jon and Suzy and Billy share with Riku--both Azula and Billy were originally going to have their own).

So, while Billy's at the main house doing his lift (hopefully Law Enforcement), Riku and Snow are going to be holding down the fort. Therefore, it was necessary for them to be BFs before Riku graduated.

He spent a lot of his time on the phone with her becoming friends because I didn't trust him not to prank her if they talked in person.

So, toward the end of his last semester, I decide to invite her over so he can get the last few points toward being best friends with her. Snow asks if she can bring a friend. Who does she bring?

Of course. Tristan, stop heartbarfing her. *scowls*

I let Tristan do his thing while Riku and Snow finish being BFs. Then: showdown, which Riku is scarily happy to help with.

Riku: "You. With the face."


Of course Riku finds Tristan's pain hilarious, because he is Without Nice Points, and also Azula is his favorite person ever and he does not appreciate what Tristan did to her.

Tristan: "HOW DARE YOU"

Riku: "Really? You really want to go there? With ME? No one likes you, and everyone likes me. Deal with it, assface."

I should add that I did not orchestrate any of this except for the initial annoy. Riku was more than happy to do most of it on his own.

It's at this point, though, that I check Riku's body points and realize he's only got one of them. I don't remember how many Tristan has and realize that my brilliant scheme may fall apart at this point.

Luckily Riku's awesomeness transcends simple matters like body points. Probably.


Of course, as soon as Tristan leaves and Riku goes to bed, this happens. REALLY, BURGLAR? This is like the tenth time, geez.

Anyway, Riku's on his way back to Sierra Plains, and I'm enjoying my game again, and everything's good.

You're welcome, Tristan haters. :D

thoughts: picspam, challenge: apocalypse, family: fox

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