Sep 11, 2004 00:20
September 11th, 2004.
So it's 12:22 and I don't know whats keeping me awake. Today something weird happened. In the mail I got a package from the U.S. Army. Addressed to me. On the cover it shows a black man wearing an Army Beret hat and smiling at another man who is handing a piece of parchment to him. I'm guessing this is showing his graduation. When I saw that image...I had to sit down. Simple fact of the matter is that the picture, the very same one being shipped out to millions of public high school kids across this country, (public in particular), is in fact true, but not true. Its hard to explain. This is how I see it, 1,000 Americans will never have the chance to graduate, have the experiences of throwing their hat in the air, getting free tuition, having careers at their fingertips, or traveling the world with fellow college students, watching your kids grow, and growing old. I got to experience traveling the world with college students in the 4th grade. Thats how blessed I am. I can't even begin to fathom what it must be like for the men and women out in Iraq or their families. Imagine the rage... What makes me so infuriated is that its almost always working class and below who get tracked into the army, the most common type of soldier to die in Iraq right now is a 27 year old white male, usually, at that age they are married with children. All for a rich man's war. I wish this senseless war would end this second and then we could have all the soldiers back home before more perish. I can't help but wonder, will they ever trust us again?
If I had control over this situation, I would probably make all the President's, Vice President's, members of the cabinet's, Congressmen/women's children go packing off to Iraq. Obviously, if they love this country more than anything which is what they claim, then I'm fairly confident that they would put their children into action, for this country. After all, to have your son or daughter become a soldier is giving your country the most precious gift and it shows that you are the backbone of this country. I believe it is their obligation to do so, if that is truly how much this war means to them.
Christ, Steve Earle is right. "Just another poor man off to fight a rich man's war."
Should Bush be re-elected on Nov. 2, God give me strength.
I am so furious. I love this country so much, but I hate the direction it is going.