Dec 02, 2008 09:37
Ok, so posting in this thing for me is a bit lethargic, but busy with life! A lot of things have happened, and i just hope that with these recent moves, my life will be a lot easier and more smooth. in an apartment is for the birds. What's even worse, is having neighbors who can't wrap their mind around the typical occurances that happen in an apartment building and bitch when things don't go their way. Well, FUCK YOU PEOPLE THAT LIVE UNDER ME!! First off, if you know you're moving into a pet community, get over the fact that people have pets. Secondly, if you have beef, be a man and say somethin rather than complain to the rental office. Thirdly, living in a community that is run by people with the competence of a 4 year old child, is not acceptable...especially when these people have all of your important numbers. I hate it, and with all that said, I have moved into a cozy little house in Southlawn, next to the good OHHS. Everytime i go home it brings back a lot of memories, and i couldn't be happier.
I won't really comment on Barack Obama's win, im just glad there is a guy in the white house who actually seems to care about America and not just getting richer. It's not about race, it's not about beliefs and religion, it's about a guy who could actually bring about change. I am excited that he has won, i just need to see what is going to be done to "fix" things. I put "fix" in quotes, because quite frankly...what can Obama fix in 4 years that it took Bush 8 years to fuck up?? All these people have put sooo much on Obama's shoulders, and I just hope that when the american people realize that he's not going to be able to grant a lot of the promises that he's spoken, that we'll finally get down to reality about how to go about things and stick together even more. It's totally not fair to put the failure of a country on one man's shoulders, when we have all fucked up our fair share of shit. Of course my every hope is that he succeeds, but I will not be surprised if he has many obstacles. It's just OUR duty to stand behind our man and make sure that he has all our support, rather than being typical "groes" and hate on anything that doesn't directly impact you. Grow up black folks, it's time we made a DIRECT difference. I mean, hell...we have literally built this country...why can't we do the same for our people. Think about it!
Everything else in life is gravy. The job is somewhat of a pain, but it's cool cause im busy everyday. Being busy = quick day...and Lord knows i love that!
I think that's it for now, for my creative juices have frazzled out. Once I am totally moved in, and enjoying the simple things again, im sure creativity will rear its beautiful face!
Christmas is coming favorite time of the year. Im excited.