I interrupt your regularly scheduled evening to bring you a random meme.
I write like
Kurt Vonnegut
I Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing! Now that that's done, how is everyone?
Random story, I finally slipped and fell on my arse last Thursday at work. Luckily it was around the back and no one saw me, though one of my colleague's did come around the corner and question why I was on the floor.
I seem to be terribly accident prone at work, around the time I started working at Nando's I went to get some paper towel to wipe my hands, the dispenser fell off the wall and into my hands. Another time, maybe at the end of winter last year, someone had placed an umbrella in the cupboard on the top shelf, the bloody thing fell out and hit me on the head, wooden handle first.
I think it's time for some spring cleaning, but it is difficult as I do like to horde things, hence why most of my toys from my younger years are in the garage. When they are conducting archaeology in the far distant future . . . actually what is the survival rate of plastic exposed to the elements and then gradually covered by years of dirt?
Should probably go to bed soon, I do have work tomorrow.