Frequency Clear Ent. Presents..
Erotik! Saturday, June 5, 2004...
Ben Armstrong (SHC, Uniform Recordings ) Fayetville, AR
Daniel Rockwell (Dancenhance, Daniel Rockwell.com ) Fayetville, AR
Unadave (Rise Up!,91FM) OKC
NOTICE ( Postivenergy, FC Ent.) OKC/EDMOND
Brandon Wahl ( LoRds of Va'Dang, FC Ent.) OKC/EDMOND
Andre LaMont (FC Ent.) OKC
Adict-d ( FC Ent.) OKC
ETA: 9PM to 3AM
Damage: $7
18 to enter 21 to drink.
located in OKC @
Sipango's Lounge
4301 North Western
Right across from VZD's.
For more info and directions call: 405-245-3516