I dont remember how this even all started.I know for sure I want it to go back but I know that it cant be undone.I remember the days when I could just go outside without bringing a weapon of some sort. I remember them and I miss them but now I have to defend my life, with the only remaining people. Jackie, Leslie, and Cecelia. Yep, the people you least expect to still be alive, of course before this whole virus broke out, we would watch a whole bunch of zombie movies so we kind of know what to do in this situation."Leia!" I snapped out of my daze "What?" Jackie had an expression of fright and anger. "Will you stop spacing out today and come over here and help us" I blinked, then Leslie shouted "Leia! You pooty squirt! Help us!" I let out a little chuckle then I stopped to see a whole bunch of zombies coming. Then I grabbed a shovel, and did my job. Together we all did excellent teamwork. Leslie and I worked on killing the zombies, while Jackie and Cecelia reboarded the windows and shot any zombies in their way."Wyahh!" Leslie and I looked back in shock. A zombie had broken through our barrier , had made its way to Cecelia and biten a chunk out of her arm."You Bidoof!" Leslie said as he handed me another shovel. "Goddamnit Cecelia you just had to be a stupid asshole and let the zombies break in" Cecelia looked up from her bleeding wound ." Leia I dont think its the time to be bitching right now" I could of cursed her off but more and more zombies were coming in through the barrier. "Oh jesus we gotta cut off Cecelia's arm to keep her from turning , Leslie you stay back and cut it off, me and Leia will hold the zombies off."
To be continued...